Messages on Faith (Page 2)
What Do You Want?
Pastor Ryan looks at the story of Jesus healing the blind man and how Jesus cares about us and do we know how to respond when Jesus asks us what do you want?
Fake News or Good News?
Pastor Brent looks at Luke 4 and how Jesus began his ministry to challenge us in how we are presenting the message of Jesus could be perceived as fake news to some but is still very good news for all.
Stand in the Gap
Pastor Brent looks at Ezekiel 22 and the importance of interceding for those around us and our communities.
Remembering – A Look Back
Pastor Ryan Lenerz takes a look back to see the importance of remembering to help us move forward.
I Can Do Faith All By Myself
Pastor Amy Becker looks at the problems with a personal relationship with Jesus and shows how our faith is dependent upon taking the journey with others.
Pray this Prayer to be Saved
Pastor Brent looks at the misconceptions surrounding salvation and why a pray this prayer theology has many problems and might produce decisions but not necessarily disciples.
Faith Means No Doubt
Pastor Brent Clark looks at the incorrect belief that to be a person of faith means you will never doubt and shows how Jesus uses our doubts not to rebuke us but as an opportunity to reveal himself to us.
It’s Risky to Forget
Pastor Brent looks at Jesus’ words to a church to see how risky it is when we forget why we started following Jesus and how remembering is critical to a vibrant and healthy relationship with Jesus and others.
It’s Risky to Trust in God’s Provision
Pastor Ryan tells the story from 2 Kings 4 of the widow who pours out the oil that never runs dry as God meets her needs through the little she had to offer.
It’s Risky to Say Yes
Pastor Brent looks at Moses and his experience at the burning bush to understand how it is risky to say YES to God’s call but a refusal to say yes might cause us to miss out more than we could possibly imagine.
It’s Risky to Follow Jesus
Pastor Ryan tells the story of Jesus walking on water, but more importantly, how Peter took a risk to step out on the water and meet Jesus.
Unexpected Doubt
Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Introduction We are at the beginning of a new series we kicked off last week called “Unexpected: What You Never Saw Coming.” For four weeks we are going to be looking at the period of time right after that first Easter Sunday to see how everything that Jesus did during this period was totally and completely unexpected. Last week, we looked at the resurrection of Jesus and how everyone was…