Messages on Faith

Messages on Faith

Trusting God in Prayer

In 1 Samuel, we find a story of suffering, perseverance, and hope. Hannah’s life and testimony teaches us that our peace comes not from what God gives us, but from God Himself. As we pray and commune with God in the midst of our suffering, He gives us exactly what we need.

Shiny Happy People

Recent media stories about failures within the global church, a docuseries highlighting the rules-based religion, and denominational decisions about the role of women in the church can stir up many emotions. Anger. Disappointment. Confusion. Is this what following Jesus is supposed to look like? Join our panel as they discuss the pitfalls of legalism in religion and bring encourage on how to follow Jesus.

Faith in Action

The story of Abraham in the book of Genesis teaches us what faith is and what it isn’t. Faith isn’t just belief; it’s action in response to God’s call. It invites us to look inside ourselves, asking if following Jesus is truly better and worth it. Take a look at this message from Pastor Brent as we continue this Lenten series!

Feeding the Hungry

Pastor Brent looks at a famous and miraculous story of Jesus when he fed over 5,000 people to see how often we are invited in by Jesus to be a part of meeting needs miraculously but are unable to participate when we operate from a theology of scarcity instead of a theology of leftovers.

Deconstruction Q & R

Pastor Brent sits down with Pastor Amy, Elizabeth Pavey, and Steve Rogers to discuss questions that have been submitted during the deconstruction series. Questions discussed were What led to this moment? How do the traditions we have created intersect with the commands of God? Is the Bible flawed? Isn’t deconstruction a different gospel than the “good old time religion” I was taught? How do we deal with the guilt we feel while going through deconstruction?

Certainty, Doubt, and the Mystical Nature of Faith

Often when it comes to faith, we equate faith with certainty. This understanding leaves no room for doubt. But as we experience life, it is common for doubts to arise. Is doubt incongruent with faith? Pastor Brent looks at the dangers of certainty and how doubt can strengthen faith and make space for the mystical nature of faith.

Shattered Faith 101

With all the conversations around deconstruction today, Pastor Brent Clark looks at the history of deconstruction, why people deconstruct, benefits and dangers of reconstruction, and how going through the process can strengthen faith.

Deconstruction – What is the Foundation?

Deconstruction seems to be a buzzword in the world of Christianity. Whether it is due to doubts and questions, watching high profile Christian leaders fall in moral failure, or abuse that continues to be revealed in almost all corners of the Christian faith, more and more people are walking away from the faith. But deconstruction is not a new thing. The first-century followers of Jesus had to do quite a bit of deconstruction of their own to be able to…
unpause sermon series

Get Out of the Boat

Pastor Brent looks at how the pandemic has made everyone a little more risk-averse but how it is always risky following Jesus. From Matthew 14 and the story of Peter walking on water with Jesus. Discussion Questions How risk averse are you? What do you think contributes to this? Of the list of obstacles that hold us back from exercising our faith, what one or two are the greatest obstacles for you? Is there something you feel God is calling…
Questioning Jesus

What Do I Lack?

Pastor Brent looks at the exchange between Jesus and a wealthy, young guy in Matthew 19 to see how often it isn’t what we lack that keeps us from following Jesus, it is what we have.
Questioning Jesus

What Do You Want?

Pastor Ryan looks at the story of Jesus healing the blind man and how Jesus cares about us and do we know how to respond when Jesus asks us what do you want?