Messages on Discipleship
Lean on Me
What does one of the most popular Psalms in Scripture tell us about God’s presence? Listen to guest preacher Mike Harder share about the Good Shepherd described in Psalm 23.
In Practice
Following Jesus isn’t easy. It’s not just about believing the “right” thing or praying the “right” thing. It’s about relationship, one that takes time and effort to cultivate. Hear from several people in our congregation who are trying their best to cultivate their faith—not from a sense of guilt or obligation, but from a desire to know God and be known by Him.
The Power of Words
The game and cultural phenomenon “Worldle” took the world by storm in 2022 and continues to demonstrate the power of words in our society. Why are words so powerful? And how can we use them to bring life and encouragement rather than disunity and despair?
The Value of the Kingdom
Lots of ideas and motivations clamor for our undivided attention in our world. But what is truly worth our time? Is there something worth dedicating ourselves to and reorienting our lives around? In some of the parables Jesus told, we see what he believed to be the value of his kingdom and why it is worth giving everything for.
Soul Check Sunday
Jesus’ words change everything, but we rarely listen to what He has to say. That’s why we created space to reflect, worship, pray, and ultimately listen to what God has to say over our lives, relationships, jobs, and world. Follow along this thoughtful message as we make room for God.
Standing at the Crossroad
The death of Jesus on the cross can mean many different things to many people. As Pastors Brent and Amy wrap up the message series Cross Roads, they conclude by looking at how Jesus described his followers as crucifying themselves and asking the question, what will you do as you stand at the crossroad and see the cross of Jesus?
The Golden Rule
In a world where we often treat one another the way we think they deserve to be treated, Jesus offers a better way. But has the Golden Rule become just another cliche we ignore? Or is there a way for those who follow Jesus to find and bring life to others by doing to others as we would like done to us?
Seduced By Status
Pastor Brent looks at how we are seduced by status and how we can overcome the seduction of status by following Jesus’ example of humble service as seen in John 13.
The Bigger Picture
Pastor Ryan Lenerz looks at Acts 8 and how even though it might look like we are pursuing Jesus, we are actually going after the wrong things.
Mission Impossible
Pastor Brent Clark looks at Matthew 28:18-20 to see how the commission to be a disciple and to go and make disciples means so much more than just giving people an education. It means more than knowing about Jesus. It means being like him.
Home Alone 2
Pastor Ryan Lenerz concludes the Christmas Story series by looking at Home Alone 2 and the Bible to see how we can stop making the same mistakes we always do in the new year.
Pastor Ryan Lenerz begins the 2016 Christmas series A Christmas Story by looking at the movie Elf and 1 John to examine how we are children of God.
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