Messages on Christmas (Page 2)
The Christmas Family
Pastor Ryan traces the role of the family from Genesis to Revelation and how the family of God is so critical in making this the Best. Christmas. Ever.
The Christmas Light
Pastor Brent traces the importance of light from the beginning to the end of the biblical narrative and how Christmas is a reminder of the light of Jesus that has dawned to overcome the darkness.
The Christmas Tree
Pastors Brent and Ryan look at the Christmas Tree and how the tree of life points us to the Best. Christmas. Ever.
The Essence of Christmas is Coronation
Pastor Amy looks at the birth narrative to contrast the kingdom of Herod who was in power at the time of Jesus’ birth, and the kingdom of Jesus that came at Christmas.
The Essence of Christmas is Reconciliation
Pastor Ryan Lenerz looks at Colossians 1 and how the. birth of Jesus brought about the reconciliation of humanity to God.
The Essence of Christmas is Incarnation
Pastor Brent looks at John 1 to see how the incarnation of Christ is crucial to the essence of Christmas.
The Essence of Christmas is Preparation
Pastor Brent Clark talks about the importance of understanding the essence of Christmas as it begins with our preparation for Christ. Isaiah 40:1-5
Auld Lang Syne
Pastor Ryan shares the importance of remembering God’s work in our lives in the past year so we are better able to have a successful year next year.
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Pastor Brent describes why Christmas truly is the most wonderful time of the year. Spoiler: it’s not about Santa or the gifts!
How Will This Be?
In the final message of the Merry Christmas? series, Pastor Brent Clark looks at Mary’s question when she hears she will give birth to the Messiah, Jesus. Brent challenges us to consider in our own lives if we are looking for human answers when God is offering divine solutions.
Why Am I So Favored?
Pastor Brent Clark continues the 2017 Christmas series by looking at Elizabeth’s question in Luke 1:39-45, Why am I so favored? Her question reverse the age-old question of “Why do bad things happen to good people?” and instead asks “Why do good things happen to good people?” We are challenged then to consider what are you doing with all you’ve been given?
How Can I Be Sure?
Pastor Amy Becker kicks off a new series called Merry Christmas? which looks at some of the biblical questions surrounding the Christmas story. This week, we look at Zechariah’s question after the foretelling of the birth of John the Baptist, “How can I be sure of this?”