"relationships" Tagged Messages
Stop Assuming the Worst
Pastor Ryan Lenerz looks at Joshua 22 and shows how we can hear something, tell ourselves a story, and jump to assuming the worst when assuming the bets can actually help us mend fences in our relationships. SERMON MANUSCRIPT FENCES: Stop Assuming the Worst Joshua 22 In the previous message we looked at how we are to resolve conflict with others rather than let it fester. In this follow-up message, I will be focussing on what I think is the…
Mending Fences through Conflict Resolution
Pastor Brent looks at the relationships in our lives that need to be mended and how we should approach conflict resolution with others. Sermon Manuscript Fences: Mending Fences Conflict Resolution Matthew 5:23, Romans 12:18, Colossians 3:12-13 In our relationships, there are some words that we find very difficult to say. With that crush you’ve been carrying for some time, maybe it’s just me, but I remember, my hands getting all sweaty, my mouth getting all dry, my heart racing, and…
Saying No So You Can Say Yes
Pastor Amy looks at how sometimes we need to build fences in our lives to create healthy boundaries. By saying no to some things, we are able to say yes to better things. SERMON MANUSCRIPT How many of you feel perpetually tired? Overwhelmed? Overworked? In hard or taxing relationships? Stretched too thin? You’re not alone. Many Americans are oversheduled, overinvolved, overextended… we are exhausted and we are BOUNDARY-LESS. But WE NEED BOUNDARIES. I’m talking about emotional, spiritual, and physical boundaries. Did…
Relationslips Q&A
The pastors of Ashworth Road wrap up the Relationslips series by answering questions that were submitted over the course of the series.
When It All Falls Apart
Lead Pastor Brent Clark looks at the difficult topic of divorce and what Jesus and Paul said to bring accountability and grace to marriage that fall apart.
Wedded Bliss?
Pastor Brent Clark looks at what the Apostle Paul has to say about marriage to the church in Corinth.
Sexual Liberation
Pastor Ryan Lenerz continues the Relationslips series and looks at the topic of sexual immorality and how we can find true freedom in Christ.
Celebrating Singleness
Pastor Amy Becker continues the Relationslips series by looking at what the Apostle Paul says about singleness.
A Foundation of Love
Pastor Brent Clark begins a new series looking at 1 Corinthians and how we can avoid those slippery areas in our relationships.