"Jesus" Tagged Messages
Saying No So You Can Say Yes
Pastor Amy looks at how sometimes we need to build fences in our lives to create healthy boundaries. By saying no to some things, we are able to say yes to better things. SERMON MANUSCRIPT How many of you feel perpetually tired? Overwhelmed? Overworked? In hard or taxing relationships? Stretched too thin? You’re not alone. Many Americans are oversheduled, overinvolved, overextended… we are exhausted and we are BOUNDARY-LESS. But WE NEED BOUNDARIES. I’m talking about emotional, spiritual, and physical boundaries. Did…
Mission Impossible
Pastor Brent Clark looks at Matthew 28:18-20 to see how the commission to be a disciple and to go and make disciples means so much more than just giving people an education. It means more than knowing about Jesus. It means being like him.
Highway to Heaven
Pastor Brent looks at John 14:6 and what it means for Jesus to be the way, the truth, and the life.
It’s Not Easy
Pastor Ryan wraps up The Red Letters series by looking at Luke 9 and how Jesus’ words that call us to follow him challenge our comfort, obligations, and relationship and that the commitment to follow Jesus really is not easy.
It’s Time to Sow
Pastor Brent looks at the parable of the sower and how we are called to sow the message of Jesus today so those not yet following Jesus might come to know him and grow in faith.
The Greatest Commandment
Pastor Brent looks at Matthew 22 and how Jesus’ answer of a question about the greatest commandment reveals that we might not always be asking the right question.
Woe to the Pharisees
Pastor Amy Becker looks at Matthew 23 and Jesus harsh “Woe to you” words to the Pharisees and encourages those following Jesus to not be modern day Pharisees.
Something Worth Giving Everything For
Pastor Brent Clark looks at two short parables about of Jesus about treasure to discover that there is something we can either stumble upon or search for, but when we find it we will see that is it worth giving everything for. This is the second message in The Red Letters: A Series on the Teaching of Jesus.
How to Be Great
Pastor Ryan Lenerz kicks off the summer series called “The Red Letters: The Teachings of Jesus” by looking at what Jesus had to teach the disciples when they began arguing over who was the greatest. Jesus taught that true greatness comes not in being served but in serving others and is not found in authority but in submission.
Jesus Heals the Paralytic
Pastor Ryan Lenerz looks at Mark 2 and the Sunday School Story of Jesus healing the paralyzed man and the role faith plays in our lives.
Jesus Feeds the Multitude
Pastor Amy Becker looks at the story of Jesus feeding the multitude and how he can help us with what seems to be impossible odds in our life.