Messages by Brent Clark (Page 9)
Disciple Over Dinner
What would happen if two disciples had dinner with Jesus and didn’t even recognize Him? We find out in Luke 24, giving us insight into how to respond to life’s challenges when it feels like God’s not present. Hint: He’s always present.
The Best for Last
In his final hours, Jesus shares a Passover meal with his disciples. But unlike Passovers they have celebrated before, Jesus begins to reshape this meal and point the symbols of this meal to himself and his impending crucifixion. And as he sets a model for us today, Jesus shows that he invites all to share this meal at his table.
Wait to Be Seated
How will we respond to Jesus’ call to compassion over creed? Pastor Brent explores the parables and story of healing that takes place in Luke. In this passage, we see how Jesus uses another dinner party to teach the Pharisees what the Kingdom of God should look like.
Feeding the Hungry
Pastor Brent looks at a famous and miraculous story of Jesus when he fed over 5,000 people to see how often we are invited in by Jesus to be a part of meeting needs miraculously but are unable to participate when we operate from a theology of scarcity instead of a theology of leftovers.
Soul Check Sunday
Join us on a journey of spiritual formation where we ask how is it with your soul? Adn create space to listen to God.
Deconstruction Q & R
Pastor Brent sits down with Pastor Amy, Elizabeth Pavey, and Steve Rogers to discuss questions that have been submitted during the deconstruction series. Questions discussed were What led to this moment? How do the traditions we have created intersect with the commands of God? Is the Bible flawed? Isn’t deconstruction a different gospel than the “good old time religion” I was taught? How do we deal with the guilt we feel while going through deconstruction?
Deconstructing the Bible
How can we honor the significance of the Bible without missing its purpose? Pastor Brent takes a look at how Scripture can play a role in one’s deconstruction journey.
Certainty, Doubt, and the Mystical Nature of Faith
Often when it comes to faith, we equate faith with certainty. This understanding leaves no room for doubt. But as we experience life, it is common for doubts to arise. Is doubt incongruent with faith? Pastor Brent looks at the dangers of certainty and how doubt can strengthen faith and make space for the mystical nature of faith.
Truth and Discernment
In a world that says all truth is relative, how can those who want to authentically follow Jesus stand for anything? And as we go through the process of deconstruction is there anything we can truly believe? Pastor Brent looks at truth, the dangers of falling into the relative truth trap, the importance of discernment, and how absolute truth doesn’t weigh us down but is where we can find freedom.
Shattered Faith 101
With all the conversations around deconstruction today, Pastor Brent Clark looks at the history of deconstruction, why people deconstruct, benefits and dangers of reconstruction, and how going through the process can strengthen faith.
Deconstruction – What is the Foundation?
Deconstruction seems to be a buzzword in the world of Christianity. Whether it is due to doubts and questions, watching high profile Christian leaders fall in moral failure, or abuse that continues to be revealed in almost all corners of the Christian faith, more and more people are walking away from the faith. But deconstruction is not a new thing. The first-century followers of Jesus had to do quite a bit of deconstruction of their own to be able to…
Do You Want to Get Well?
Sometimes questions asked can seem silly or even obvious. But what happens when the question that on the surface seems like a no-brainer asks us to a bit dig deeper to find the answer we truly desire. Jesus asks a man who is described as an invalid for 38 years if he wants to get well. We think the obvious answer is yes. But what could be beneath the surface of this question that this man, and also us, might…