Messages by Brent Clark (Page 8)

Messages by Brent Clark (Page 8)

King David

We begin our Crowned series by taking a look at a tender yet complicated man named King David. Although he came from humble beginnings, his rise to power did not come without consequences and sin. However, his story and relationship with God foreshadows the incredible mercy and grace to come from the arrival of another King, King Jesus.

Giving Thanks

As we approach Thanksgiving, we celebrate all God has done and is doing at Ashworth Church. Learn about the answer to our fear and negativity and hear stories of hope and encouragement from our congregation.

New Creation

We conclude The Big Picture series by exploring the restoration and renewal that comes at the end of this chapter in God and humankind’s story. Ultimately, The Big Picture is a story about God’s desire to live among His people.


Jesus’ part in The Big Picture has always been present, but we see His role come to full fruition in His birth, ministry, death, and resurrection. He changes everything. What will you do with Jesus?

Prophets & Exiles

The Big Picture of God isn’t always comfortable, especially for the Israelites. In the Old Testament, there are countless stories of exile and hardship. However, God uses those time periods to develop and teach His people what it means to trust in Him, love their neighbors, and surrender to His Lordship. As we learn in this message, God ultimately turns their failure into hope and restoration of all nations.

Judges & Kings

The Big Picture takes a depressing turn as we learn about the judges and kings that ruled God’s people. Despite their weaknesses and failures, however, God still uses them for His glory.

The Fall

As we continue The Big Picture series, we come to a breaking point. Even though the Garden of Eden was perfect, we still see sin enter the world through Adam and Eve in Genesis 2-3. Our story doesn’t stop there, though. Despite the brokenness and pride of humankind, God’s desire is always for restoration rather than condemnation.


How was the universe created? How were humans formed? These are the questions the world has been asking since the beginning. Pastor Brent takes a look at the first few chapters of Genesis, exploring the beauty and goodness God instilled in our world while addressing the tension that often exists between science and creation.
Soul Check Sunday

Soul Check Sunday

Jesus’ words change everything, but we rarely listen to what He has to say. That’s why we created space to reflect, worship, pray, and ultimately listen to what God has to say over our lives, relationships, jobs, and world. Follow along this thoughtful message as we make room for God.

While We Wait

There are countless theologies of how Jesus will return, but what do we do while we wait? Pastor Brent explores Scripture in the books of Revelation and Matthew to invite us to discern, persevere, encourage, preserve, and proclaim in the meantime.

But Is It Really?

Most of us grew up in fear of Jesus’ return. Terms like the “rapture,” “tribulation,” and “dispensationalism” leave us more confused than excited about what the return of Jesus will look like. Pastor Brent explores Matthew 24 with its original context and intent in mind, helping turn what is typically a doomsday message into one of hope and encouragement.

Reheating the Leftovers

We conclude our Today’s Special series with one final meal. In the book of Revelation, John records a letter with Jesus’ words that gives the church in Laodicea a rebuke and invitation to repentance and dependence on God. We get tot you in the past? What as see how Jesus approaches correction. When Jesus corrects, He leans into the relationship rather than away from it.