Messages by Brent Clark (Page 27)

Messages by Brent Clark (Page 27)

Church West Des Moines

The Big Story of God: The Law

Introduction This entry is part of a series called, “The Big Story of God.” We are looking at the overarching theme or narrative running in the Bible from the start to the very end. In previous entries, we saw a personal God that creates everything and desires his creation (you and me) to know him. We saw that humanity disobeyed him, destroying our relationship with him, and allowing sin to enter the world.  Even then, God’s desire for his creation to…
Church West Des Moines

The Big Story of God: The Fall

From Good to Fallen Earlier, we began a series called, “The Big Story of God.” We started at the beginning of the story. Our story doesn’t begin with “Once upon a time.” It begins with, “In the beginning God created…” As we started looking at the story, we saw from this passage that the most important take-away from the creation story wasn’t the “how” or the “when” of creation, but the “who” and the “why.” We saw that the “who”…
Church West Des Moines

The Big Story of God: Creation

Once Upon a Time “Once upon a time…” These four words bring back good memories for many of us.  Perhaps it is the memory of a mom or dad sitting beside you after they tucked you into bed and began to read you a familiar story before you nodded off to sleep, or possibly it is the memory of you saying these words to your own children. These words were just the beginning, introducing a tale sure to capture the…

Faithful: Revealed Faith

Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Faith Themes in Second Timothy Today we are wrapping up a series called “Faithful.” We have looked at each of the major themes in a letter the Apostle Paul wrote to his protégé, Timothy. This is Second Timothy in our Bibles. Paul penned this letter while he was in prison. It is the last preserved correspondence we have between Paul and Timothy. In the letter, Paul wants to guide Timothy…

Faithful: Enduring Faith

Commitment One of thehardest things for me as a parent is getting my kids to followthrough with the commitments they’vemade, and even more so on the commitments I have made for them. Maybe you’ve experienced this as well. Your child says they wantto play a sport or do some activity, but after abouttwo days or weeks into it, after a few practices, or after having to get upearly one time for it, they decide they don’t wantto do it anymore.…

Faithful: Persuasive Faith

Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Jury Duty Several years ago in Arkansas, I received the dreaded letter in the mail from the county courthouse informing me that I had been given a very special honor. I had been selected for jury duty. What I loved about the letter was that it didn’t really ask if I wanted to be on jury duty; it just said I was. Congratulations. During my “sentence,” I was fortunate enough…

Villains of the Bible – Satan – The Original Villain

Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Heroes and Villains I am a self-professed nerd. I love for Star Trek. This love led me at one time to attend a Star Trek convention. One thing I have never had a great love for was comic books or graphic novels. I read a lot already, so reading is rarely a recreational activity for me. But, I do love comic book movies. Batman. Spiderman. Superman. X-Men. The Avengers.…

From Orphan to Child

Introduction Good morning. I am so glad you are here today. Over the last couple of weeks, we have been in a series we called Transformed. This series is built on the idea that when people encounter God, when we say yes to Jesus and begin the faith journey of following him, radical changes occur in our lives.  The first week, we looked at how one of the first things that happen when we put our faith in Jesus is…

Transformed: Death to Life

John 5:24-26 Introduction Good morning and Happy Easter. As you all probably know, Easter is a big deal for Christians and the church. This isn’t just the usual Sunday. Everything for Christians hinges on the resurrection. Your belief or non-belief even hinges on what you believe about the resurrection. I want to read the events of the first Easter morning to you. Listen to how Luke describes that morning from Luke 24:1-12. 1 But very early on Sunday morning the…

Threads: Movement

As far as parenting goes, Kerri and I have been very fortunate with our kids. We have certainly had ups and downs. Hannah being born 6 weeks early and only weighing 3 lbs 14 ozs. Luke needing a minor surgery at 6 months. And the routine infections, illnesses, and tubes in ears stuff. But for the most part, our kids, once born have been relatively healthy, growing kids. In November of 2012, the Department of Human Services called and asked…