Messages by Brent Clark (Page 25)
Dialogue: Praying Together
Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Introduction What comes to mind when you hear the words “Prayer Meeting”? If you’ve been around church for some time, I assume you are familiar with the concept. A prayer meeting is a time where Christians get together and they pray. There can be a lot of variations of this activity. They can be loud, boisterous times like my wife, Kerri and I experienced at a Pentecostal church in Tulsa, Oklahoma…
Dialogue: When God is Silent
Introduction Today we take up a topic that I am positive we have all had to deal with at some point in our lives. In fact, I dare say that some of us here this morning are currently living in this moment right now. Over the last month, we have been looking at the topic of prayer in this series we call “Dialogue – Recovering the Lost Art of Communicating with God.” For four weeks we have seen how prayer…
Dialogue: Authentic Prayer
Introduction We are in the middle of a series we are calling “Dialogue: Recovering the Lost Art of Communicating with God.” And that is just our fancy way of saying we want to spend a few weeks talking about prayer. We began the series talking about why prayer is necessary. If we aren’t careful, we can get caught in the trap of thinking praying doesn’t matter, that it doesn’t do anything or change anything, so why bother? But what we…
Dialogue: The Necessity of Prayer
Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Prayer Defined We are kicking off a brand new series of messages we are calling “Dialogue: Recovering the Lost Art of Communicating with God.” Over the next several weeks we want to take a look at how we communicate with God. I think we all bring certain thoughts and ideas about prayer with us, things we have been taught or have heard through the years, passages of the Bible…
Unexpected Restoration
Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Introduction Today we wrap up our series called, “Unexpected: What You Never Saw Coming.” Over the last few weeks we have been looking at moments from the resurrection of Jesus forward. What Jesus did and how we respond can often catch us off guard, just as it did for the disciples back then. It’s not what we expect to see or happen. Today we will look at what happens…
Unexpected Doubt
Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Introduction We are at the beginning of a new series we kicked off last week called “Unexpected: What You Never Saw Coming.” For four weeks we are going to be looking at the period of time right after that first Easter Sunday to see how everything that Jesus did during this period was totally and completely unexpected. Last week, we looked at the resurrection of Jesus and how everyone was…
Unexpected Life
Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Surprises Do you like surprises? Okay, how many of you are normal and don’t like surprises? I don’t. My family and the staff here at church will tell you that I can be a little bit of a control freak and surprises are one of those things I have no control over and therefore I don’t care for them too much. And for me, it doesn’t matter if it…
God is Missional
Introduction Today we are going to conclude our series called “God Is.” We have loved hearing stories from some of you about how your view of God has been stretched and deepened as a result of these messages. While I say today is our final message in this series, by no means have we preached an exhaustive list of the character traits of God… after all, we never even taught about the Love of God! But we chose to teach on…
God is Gracious
Introduction We have been in a series called “God Is…” where we have looked at a lot of different verses in the Bible that help us to better understand the various aspects of God’s character. Our goal is to make sure we see God, not as we want him to be, or maybe as we have always thought him to be, but as he truly is. We only know and understand God because he has chosen to reveal himself to…
God is Holy
Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Introduction We are in the middle of a series of messages where we are trying to fill in the the blank, “God is .” Our goal is to deepen our understanding of who God is. When we deepen our understanding of who God is, this results in a response. We cannot come face to face with God and just walk away from it. God is not some benign force…
God is Sovereign
Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Introduction Have you ever stopped to think about why you are where you are and what brought that about? Was it dumb luck or was God involved somehow? To be up front, I can tell you that as an eight year old boy growing up in southwest Arkansas, I never, not once, had the thought, “You know, when I’m 40, I’d like to be pastoring a church in Iowa.”…
Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. GetFit Series Over the last four weeks we’ve been talking about how we can get fit in multiple areas of our lives. We’ve talked about being healthier, so that we can serve God and others and continue the work that Jesus started, the work of bringing God’s kingdom to earth. Our physical health impacts that. We’ve talked about our relational health: making sure our relationships are where they need…