Messages by Brent Clark (Page 24)
Relationslips Q&A
The pastors of Ashworth Road wrap up the Relationslips series by answering questions that were submitted over the course of the series.
When It All Falls Apart
Lead Pastor Brent Clark looks at the difficult topic of divorce and what Jesus and Paul said to bring accountability and grace to marriage that fall apart.
Wedded Bliss?
Pastor Brent Clark looks at what the Apostle Paul has to say about marriage to the church in Corinth.
A Foundation of Love
Pastor Brent Clark begins a new series looking at 1 Corinthians and how we can avoid those slippery areas in our relationships.
Jingle All the Way
Pastor Brent Clark looks at how Jesus was the perfect Chistmas gift.
A Christmas Story
Pastor Brent Clark looks at some in the Bible who experienced disappointment and how we can overcome our disappointment with a foundational belief.
Home Alone
Using scenes from Home Alone, Pastor Brent Clark looks at the problem of loneliness at Christmas and how we are created for relationship.
What’s the Point of Church?
Introduction What do you think comes to mind when most people hear the word church? Your friends, neighbors, coworkers… when they hear the word church, what do you think comes to their mind? What comes to mind when YOU hear the word church? You may wonder why we would ask these questions. Well, we’ve been a series where over the last 3 weeks we have been trying to ask and answer the question, “What’s the point?” This is a question that can wreak havoc in our…
What’s the Point of Jesus’ Death
Introduction Last week we began a new series called, “What’s the Point?” The series is built around the idea that if we don’t understand the reason behind something or if we can’t see the value in something, then we are likely to dismiss it. I used the example of Algebra class. Most of us sat in that class learning how to solve quadratic equations, the entire time wondering, “When will I ever use this?” The overarching question we were asking…
What’s the Point of Jesus’ Life?
Series Introduction Are you a pragmatic person? Practical? I say this about myself often. And the curse of being a very practical person is that when I am confronted with something that appears to be a waste of time or pointless, I find it very difficult to muster the motivation to do it or follow through with it. Not long ago, I took a class on global missions. It was for graduate level credit, so it was important that I do well,…
Get Fit Remix: Perseverance
Introduction Today and next week we are doing a very quick series we like to call Remix. Remix is where we look back at some sermon series we’ve done before and see if there was something we felt like we needed to talk about again, a topic we wanted to cover but didn’t get worked into the schedule, or because we thought the topic was of such importance, we just felt like it was good to bring up as a reminder.…
Summer School: Anger
Introduction This summer we have been taking a look at what many would think is the fortune cookie of the Bible. The book that doles out nice tidbits of helpful advice on how to live. But as we have looked at the book of Proverbs, I hope that most of us have seen that even though on the surface it appears that the statements help us know how to live, more importantly, they are concerned about who we are as a…