Messages by Brent Clark (Page 18)
Seduced by Stuff
Pastor Brent Clark examines the seduction of stuff in our culture and looks at how the Apostle Paul encourages us to resist the allure of wealth and follow the way of Jesus through selfless generosity.
Seduced By Status
Pastor Brent looks at how we are seduced by status and how we can overcome the seduction of status by following Jesus’ example of humble service as seen in John 13.
Remix: You Are in Christ
Pastors Brent and Ryan team up again to revisit the series Who Do You Think You Are to look at the importance of understanding what it means to center our identity in Jesus Christ.
Remix: The More You Know – Finish well
Pastors Brent Clark and Ryan Lenerz remix the series “The More You Know: Seven Verses Everyone Should Know” by adding an eighth important verse from 2 Timothy 4:7 that encourages those who follow Jesus to finish their lives well.
Remix: Fences – Be a Neighbor
Pastor Brent looks back at the Fences series from the fall of 2018 and examines Jesus’ words when he told us the most important commandments are to love God and also to love our neighbors.
It’s Risky to Forget
Pastor Brent looks at Jesus’ words to a church to see how risky it is when we forget why we started following Jesus and how remembering is critical to a vibrant and healthy relationship with Jesus and others.
It’s Risky Not to Take a Risk
Pastor Brent looks at the Exodus story and how when faced with what appeared to be a risk or their comfort, the Israelites chose comfort which turned out to be the riskier of the choices and sometimes it is riskier not to take a risk.
It’s Risky to Say Yes
Pastor Brent looks at Moses and his experience at the burning bush to understand how it is risky to say YES to God’s call but a refusal to say yes might cause us to miss out more than we could possibly imagine.
Continuing the Unfinished Task
Pastor Brent Clark wraps up Unfinished: Continuing God’s Work in Our World by looking at the Apostle Paul and what allowed and motivated him to continue the unfinished task of taking the message of Jesus to the world.
Growing Pains
In this message, Pastor Brent looks at Acts 6 and how the early church had to respond to be willing to change to respond to growth.
Divine Appointments
Pastor Brent looks at Acts 3 and 4 to see how the apostles took advantage of a divine opportunity and how God still desires to invite us into these divine opportunities today.
God Still With Us
Pastors Brent and Ryan continue a look at the book of Acts and the beginning of the church to see how the arrival of the Holy Spirit gives the church both then and today all that is needed to continue God’s work in the world.