Messages by Brent Clark (Page 14)

Messages by Brent Clark (Page 14)

Fall Clean-Up

Fall Clean-Up

Pastor Brent looks at Psalm 32 and how this is a good time to do a little soul searching and some fall clean-up in our lives.
unpause sermon series

Unpause Celebration

Pastors Brent and Ryan talk about the importance of celebration and how even in difficult circumstances we can find reasons to celebrate. Discussion Questions How might the world’s opinion of Christians be different if Christians were better known for genuine celebration? If you haven’t already, take a moment to really reflect on what God has done in your life in 2020 and give him thanks for it all. What can you do in your daily / weekly habits to be…
unpause sermon series

Knowing God Through Obedience

Pastor Brent looks at 1 John to see the important role obedience plays in our ability to truly know and experience God. Discussion Questions Are you more compliant or strong-willed? How easy is it for you to obey when someone asks (or requires) something of you? Why do you think this is? How have you tried to substitute other things, like religious activity or legalism for obedience to God? Is God calling you to obedience in some area of your…
unpause sermon series

Get Out of the Boat

Pastor Brent looks at how the pandemic has made everyone a little more risk-averse but how it is always risky following Jesus. From Matthew 14 and the story of Peter walking on water with Jesus. Discussion Questions How risk averse are you? What do you think contributes to this? Of the list of obstacles that hold us back from exercising our faith, what one or two are the greatest obstacles for you? Is there something you feel God is calling…
unpause sermon series

Listening to God

Pastors Brent and Ryan discuss how God has spoken to his people in the past and how part of unpausing our lives today is learning to listen to God as he speaks to us today. Discussion Questions Take a moment to reflect on what it means that the God of the universe wants to speak to you. What has been your biggest barrier to hearing God speak to you? What action can you take to be prepared to hear God…
unpause sermon series

Come Alive

Pastor Brent looks at how often in life, we may get hopeless about situations, like our marriage, family, finances, or even the COVID-19 pandemic. However, Ezekiel 37 shows the nature of God, who hasn’t forgotten you and can still bring life to our lives even when we see nothing but dry bones. Discussion Questions Ezekiel explains how the bones were very dry.  What part of your life feels “very dry” and almost hopeless?  What makes it feel so dry? Why…
What the World Needs Now is Love

What the World Needs Now is Justice

Pastor Brent Clark looks at how the issues of equality and justice are not political issues but something God has been addressing since the beginning of creation and how Christ-followers are uniquely positioned to address racism and injustice when we see and experience it. Ashworth@Home Questions If we are all created in the image of God (the imago Dei), what does that say about ethnic diversity? What does that say about the nature of God? What difference would it make…