Messages by Brent Clark (Page 12)
Don’t Judge
When you see someone do something you believe is wrong, can you say something? Or if you speak to the situation are you immediately judging? In Matthew 7, Jesus explicitly says do not judge but what does that mean and how can Jesus followers be salt and light and challenge culture when appropriate if everything we say to challenge it is considered judging. Pastor Brent looks at the words of Jesus to see that Jesus isn’t forbidding moral discernment but…
Don’t Worry
Worry seems to be a part fo daily life for many people. And when we hear that Jesus tells us not to worry, we worry about how not to worry! Pastors Brent and Ryan discuss what Jesus meant in the Sermon on the Mount when he say “Do not worry…but seek first the kingdom of God.”
How to Pray (and Not to Pray)
Many who follow Jesus struggle with how to pray often wondering if we are doing it right. Jesus gives us a framework on how to pray but prior to giving us this prayer guide he shares how not to pray.
Revenge and Love
Often we find it so easy to react when things happen around us and especially to us. And yet Jesus says that those who follow him can do the extraordinary like turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, and even love our enemies. But how is this possible? Pastor Brent Clark looks at the last verses of Matthew 5 and the Sermon on the Mount to understand how these words don’t instruct us to be doormats but do show…
Oaths and Divorce
How important is it to keep your word and are there ever exceptions when you can’t? And how has the church gotten divorce so wrong for so long? Brent Clark and Ryan Lenerz discuss these two topics to see how being trustworthy people and staying committed to marriage (if possible) should be marks of those who follow Jesus.
Lust and Adultery
Pastor Brent looks at Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount to see what Jesus has to say about lust and adultery and how our lust can be a problem for us before we ever take our clothes off.
The Invitation of the Beatitudes
Pastors Brent Clark and Ryan Lenerz look at the words of Jesus and how we might miss Jesus’ invitation in the beatitudes for all to be a part of the kingdom if we try to make them a list of rules to live by. #micdup #beatitudes #Jesusownwords
This Not That Temple
Pastor Brent looks at how the temple is the meeting place between God and humanity and how God’s original design was for humanity to exist in his presence and his purpose will be accomplished in the restoration of the new creation.
This Not That Sacrifice
Pastor Brent looks at Hebrews 10 and how what seems to be a barbaric and primitive system of sacrifice in the Old Testament was made obsolete by the once and for all sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.
Beyond Work
Pastors Brent and Ryan discuss what it means to find and fulfill your calling and how you can even achieve this in whatever current job you have. Discussion Questions What skills and passions has God put inside of you that uniquely enable you to fulfill your calling? What is that calling? If you had to write down what God called you to do, what would you say? In what ways do your calling and your job overlap?
Beyond Me
Pastor Brent challenges the conventional wisdom of the day that says you do you by examining what it really means to deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Jesus. Introduction What do you prefer? Let’s learn a bit about you based on your brand preference: Zoom or MS Teams? This is the ultimate COVID option.Coke or Pepsi? The original question.Casey’s or Kim & Go? What about breakfast pizza?Levi’s or Wranglers?iPhone or the other device?Walmart or Target?Facebook or Snapchat?Jesus or Jesus?…
Beyond Evangelism
Pastor Brent talks with Matthew Becker about how evangelism and sharing Jesus with others doesn’t always have to be about a sales pitch, fear tactics, or even telling them about Jesus, but can be about walking with them a journey toward Jesus.