Messages by Brent Clark (Page 12)
Tension of Being In the World and Not Of It
In and of. Prepositions. Two small words. Small words can seem insignificant but can make all the difference in living a faith that follows Jesus. Pastor Brent looks at Jesus’ prayer in John 17 to see what Jesus meant and how we can live both in the world and not of it.
The Scattered Church
It’s nice and cozy and all the people look and think just like us. But is this what Jesus envisioned when he established the church? Join Pastors Brent Clark and Ryan Lenerz as they take a look at how the church cannot be all Jesus desires it to be by only gathering together. To really be the church, the church must scatter.
The Gathered Church
There are a variety of reasons why people go to church. And there are just as many reasons why people do NOT go to church. In our COVID world, does church still make sense? Pastors Brent and Ryan take a look at what brought the 1st century Jesus followers together and how that can still be a motivation for us to gather as the people of God today.
The Narrow Way
As Jesus concludes his Sermon on the Mount he makes some shocking claims about those who will and won’t follow him. Is Jesus being narrow-minded in making such exclusive claims? Or is there a true dichotomy that Jesus presents us that we must contend with? Additional Resource From NIVAC – Matthew by Michael J. Wilkins In these four brief scenes that conclude the SM, all of humanity stands before Jesus, and he asks each, “What will you do with me?”•…
Ask, Seek, Knock
Have you ever wanted something so bad you prayed and prayed for it only to feel let down by God? As Jesus talks about prayer for the third time in the Sermon on the Mount, he adds a bit of confusion by saying all we have to do is ask and we will get what we have for. But our experience tells us otherwise. Pastor Brent looks at Matthew 7 and shows how our emphasis on receiving might miss the…
Don’t Judge
When you see someone do something you believe is wrong, can you say something? Or if you speak to the situation are you immediately judging? In Matthew 7, Jesus explicitly says do not judge but what does that mean and how can Jesus followers be salt and light and challenge culture when appropriate if everything we say to challenge it is considered judging. Pastor Brent looks at the words of Jesus to see that Jesus isn’t forbidding moral discernment but…
Don’t Worry
Worry seems to be a part fo daily life for many people. And when we hear that Jesus tells us not to worry, we worry about how not to worry! Pastors Brent and Ryan discuss what Jesus meant in the Sermon on the Mount when he say “Do not worry…but seek first the kingdom of God.”
How to Pray (and Not to Pray)
Many who follow Jesus struggle with how to pray often wondering if we are doing it right. Jesus gives us a framework on how to pray but prior to giving us this prayer guide he shares how not to pray.
Revenge and Love
Often we find it so easy to react when things happen around us and especially to us. And yet Jesus says that those who follow him can do the extraordinary like turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, and even love our enemies. But how is this possible? Pastor Brent Clark looks at the last verses of Matthew 5 and the Sermon on the Mount to understand how these words don’t instruct us to be doormats but do show…
Oaths and Divorce
How important is it to keep your word and are there ever exceptions when you can’t? And how has the church gotten divorce so wrong for so long? Brent Clark and Ryan Lenerz discuss these two topics to see how being trustworthy people and staying committed to marriage (if possible) should be marks of those who follow Jesus.
Lust and Adultery
Pastor Brent looks at Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount to see what Jesus has to say about lust and adultery and how our lust can be a problem for us before we ever take our clothes off.
The Invitation of the Beatitudes
Pastors Brent Clark and Ryan Lenerz look at the words of Jesus and how we might miss Jesus’ invitation in the beatitudes for all to be a part of the kingdom if we try to make them a list of rules to live by. #micdup #beatitudes #Jesusownwords