Messages by Amy Becker (Page 4)

Messages by Amy Becker (Page 4)

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is present throughout The Big Picture, but we see this part of God revealed in more significant ways following the ministry of Jesus. Who is the Holy Spirit, and how does He still help us today?


In Genesis 15, God establishes His covenant with Abram, forever changing His people and our story. Pastor Amy explores this passage, ultimately showing us that covenant is not contingent on human faithfulness. It’s contingent on God’s.
Soul Check Sunday

Soul Check Sunday

Jesus’ words change everything, but we rarely listen to what He has to say. That’s why we created space to reflect, worship, pray, and ultimately listen to what God has to say over our lives, relationships, jobs, and world. Follow along this thoughtful message as we make room for God.

Serve Comfort Food

Peter’s story, as told in the books of John and Luke, comes full circle when Jesus invites him and several other disciples to breakfast after His resurrection. Jesus’ trio of questions may seem strange to most, but to Peter, they provide healing and restoration. God doesn’t just want to forgive our failures. He wants us to experience His love and fullness in restored relationship with Him.

Wash What Matters

In a tense dinner party with the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law, Jesus reveals what really matters in His Kingdom: compassion, humility, and heart. Pastor Amy explores Luke 11, encouraging us to live with integrity internally and externally.

Dining with the Enemy

In a new series called Today’s Special: Dining with Jesus, Pastor Amy looks at the criticism Jesus received from by the religious elite by eating with those who were considered unclean and how we need to follow Jesus’ example and be willing to share the table with those who are different from us.

Deconstruction Q & R

Pastor Brent sits down with Pastor Amy, Elizabeth Pavey, and Steve Rogers to discuss questions that have been submitted during the deconstruction series. Questions discussed were What led to this moment? How do the traditions we have created intersect with the commands of God? Is the Bible flawed? Isn’t deconstruction a different gospel than the “good old time religion” I was taught? How do we deal with the guilt we feel while going through deconstruction?

What Are You Looking For?

In a world where we can often see people as a means to an end or tools to be used for our own benefit, having relationships not based on transactions can be difficult. As Jesus began his ministry, people started following him. So Jesus looked at a few early followers and asked, “What are you looking for?” Pastor Amy Becker looks at this question to see how the question invites us not into a transaction with Jesus but a relationship.

Standing at the Crossroad

The death of Jesus on the cross can mean many different things to many people. As Pastors Brent and Amy wrap up the message series Cross Roads, they conclude by looking at how Jesus described his followers as crucifying themselves and asking the question, what will you do as you stand at the crossroad and see the cross of Jesus?

Salvation of Sinners

Why did Jesus have to die? This question can lead us to many possible solutions. One popular answer includes seeing the cross as divine child abuse as God exacted his wrath on his son. Is this true? Or is there a greater purpose in the death of Jesus on the cross? Pastor Amy looks at the sacrifice of Jesus and how it shows God’s pursuing love for his people.

Mary, Did You Know?

In recent days, a newer Christmas song has taken some shots as being inaccurate or unbiblical with many on social media wanting to “correct” the record that Mary did know. But how much did Mary really know about her child to be? Did she have really understood the God-man Jesus would become and all that entailed? Pastors Brent and Amy look at the song “Mary, Did You Know? ” and the birth narratives to consider how much did Mary know,…