Messages by Amy Becker

Messages by Amy Becker

A Time for Reflection

As we look towards 2025, we also have the opportunity to look back at all God has done in and through us in 2024. Take a moment to reflect with us.

Ghost Stories

As followers of Christ, we become the dwelling place of God through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Amy concludes our series by exploring how the Holy Spirit both transforms and empowers us to live lives fully devoted to Jesus.

Finding Jesus in Community

It’s not easy to press into relationships. Whether people have hurt us or we just don’t have the energy or courage to find a healthy community, many of us find ourselves lonely. Listen as Pastor Amy shares how to build healthy relationships by leaning into vulnerability and even awkwardness! Here, we don’t just find community; we find Jesus.

Asking the Experts

As we learn what it means to pursue full mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health, we decided to ask a few experts in the mental health field, Anna Keppen and Matthew Becker, to share their knowledge and experiences with us. How can we take steps towards wholeness? How can we support the people around us as we pursue emotionally healthy spirituality?


Celebration is a spiritual discipline. We have the opportunity to celebrate God’s goodness, even in the midst of life’s difficulties. Follow along as Pastor Amy, Pastor Brent, and our worship team share what true joy looks like in this final message of our sermon series.


What would a world marked by real justice and righteousness look like? That was the author of Psalm 72’s prayer for their king. Pastor Amy explores the beautiful world described in this passage, as well as the only King who is making it come to fruition.

Every Breath You Take

Psalm 139 is a beautiful reminder of God’s nearness in both the joys and difficulties of life. Pastor Brent and Amy explore this famous passage, revealing what it means to be fully known by a good God.

If I Could Turn Back Time

In Psalm 51, we find King David in a difficult season of life. He’s made mistakes, and he has regrets. Pastor Amy explores what he wrote in response to his sin, finding that God can forgive what seems unforgivable.

Our Response

Now that we’ve explored who Jesus is, it’s time to respond. Pastor Brent and Pastor Amy dive into the various responses to Jesus we see in Scripture, encouraging us to follow Jesus in every facet of our lives.


Jesus was a humble King. In the stories of His miracles, teachings, and way of life, we constantly find Him serving the people around Him. As Pastor Amy explores this unique aspect of Jesus, it challenges us to question what it truly means to be “great.”

The Promise Preserved

As we conclude our journey through Joseph’s life as told in the book of Genesis, we learn that God can take the brokenness of our world and lives and turn it into something positive. Our story is one piece of the larger story God is writing, and that’s a beautiful thing!