Unfinished: Continuing God's Work in Our World
Continuing the Unfinished Task
Pastor Brent Clark wraps up Unfinished: Continuing God’s Work in Our World by looking at the Apostle Paul and what allowed and motivated him to continue the unfinished task of taking the message of Jesus to the world.
Crossing Lines
Pastor Amy Becker looks at Acts 10 and how God’s desire was not only for a select group of people to hear about and know Jesus, but his desire was for all nations and people to know him.
An Unlikely Convert
Pastor Ryan looks at the dramatic conversion of Saul/Paul and how God can use the unlikeliest of people to accomplish his work in the world.
The Bigger Picture
Pastor Ryan Lenerz looks at Acts 8 and how even though it might look like we are pursuing Jesus, we are actually going after the wrong things.
Growing Pains
In this message, Pastor Brent looks at Acts 6 and how the early church had to respond to be willing to change to respond to growth.
Divine Appointments
Pastor Brent looks at Acts 3 and 4 to see how the apostles took advantage of a divine opportunity and how God still desires to invite us into these divine opportunities today.
God Still With Us
Pastors Brent and Ryan continue a look at the book of Acts and the beginning of the church to see how the arrival of the Holy Spirit gives the church both then and today all that is needed to continue God’s work in the world.
Given Life to Give Life
Pastor Brent looks at the tension that exists between what Jesus said and what we think and how it is in surrendering to Jesus that true life can be experienced so that we can then give life to others.