The New Normal

The New Normal

The New Normal

New Normal for Spiritual Rhythms

Pastor Amy Becker visits with Sherami Hinders, Regional Coordinator for Spiritual Formation and Prayer with InterVaristy Christian Fellowship, about how to establish new rhythms of soul care in our COVID-19 world.
The New Normal

New Normal for Marriage and Family

Pastor Brent Clark sits down with Gary and Debi Lydic of Onward and Upward Ministries to talk about how the pandemic has impacted marriages and how marriages can thrive through this season of life. ASHWORTH@HOME As you meet as Ashworth@Home groups or maybe just have conversations with friends and neighbors about the new normal we are all facing, here are some questions you can use to have a spiritual discussion. DISCUSSION GUIDE TO CONTINUE THE CONVERSATION What has been your…
The New Normal

New Normal for Coping and Addiction

Pastor Brent Clark interviews Melissa Dale with Celebrate Recovery at Lutheran Church of Hope in West Des Moines about the impact of COVID-19 on addiction and how there is help and hope for any dealing with habits, hurts, or hangups. Ashworth@Home As you meet as Ashworth@Home groups or maybe just have conversations with friends and neighbors about the new normal we are all facing, here are some questions you can use to have a spiritual discussion. DISCUSSION GUIDE TO CONTINUE…
The New Normal

New Normal for Mental Health

As you meet as Ashworth at Home groups or maybe just have conversations with friends and neighbors about the new normal we are all facing, here are some questions you can use to have a spiritual discussion. Discussion Guide to Continue the Conversation What’s been your quarantine indulgence? What’s the silver lining during the pandemic and, what’s been your biggest challenge during the pandemic? How does following Jesus impact your mental health for the positive and possibly the negative? What is…