

Get Fit Remix: Perseverance

Introduction Today and next week we are doing a very quick series we like to call Remix. Remix is where we look back at some sermon series we’ve done before and see if there was something we felt like we needed to talk about again, a topic we wanted to cover but didn’t get worked into the schedule, or because we thought the topic was of such importance, we just felt like it was good to bring up as a reminder.…


Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Get Fit Recap I’m so glad to have the privilege of wrapping up this series we’re calling GetFit today.  And I’m not glad because I’m tired of it, but because it’s been such a helpful series for so many of you.   Here is a brief recap of the ways we want to help you GetFit in 2016.  We kicked off this series the first Sunday of January talking about being BodyFit. …


Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. GetFit Series Over the last four weeks we’ve been talking about how we can get fit in multiple areas of our lives. We’ve talked about being healthier, so that we can serve God and others and continue the work that Jesus started, the work of bringing God’s kingdom to earth. Our physical health impacts that. We’ve talked about our relational health: making sure our relationships are where they need…


Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Introduction Since the beginning of the new year, we have been talking about something that is usually on everyone’s mind when a new year begins — how to get fit. We have talked about the obvious things, the things people aren’t usually afraid to talk about, some that often we even joke about. We began with discussing how to become BodyFit. The important part isn’t the number on the scale or…


Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Emotional Immaturity Emotional health is often the most neglected or under-valued kind of health. We put physical health on a pedestal because we’ll die without it; however, we die internally without emotional health. We can’t have healthy relationships and we can’t have healthy spirituality without it.  It’s impossible to be relationally and spiritually mature without emotional maturity. So in what ways do we neglect our emotional health? Emotional UNHEALTH, in it’s extremes,…


Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Introduction We are in a series we call “GetFit – Being Whole and Holy in the New Year.” Statistics show that after the first week, already 25% of you would have given up or failed. So, way to go, quitters!  Just kidding. Even though many of us, me included, are not resolution makers, for many of us, the new year represents a fresh start, a chance to start over, to…


Sermon Podcast Audio  Your browser does not support the audio element. Whole and Holy in the New Year  I love New Year’s celebrations, not for the drunken debauchery or for trying and failing to stay up until midnight, but because it gives me the opportunity to consider what I want to change going into the new year.  That and New Year’s Eve is my anniversary, so that’s special too!  I’m sure I’m not the only one who uses the new year…