Beyond: You Don't Know What You're Missing

Beyond: You Don't Know What You're Missing

In this series we describe the fullness of life Jesus desires for all of his followers as we move beyond the stale routines of church life and follow him into the adventure he offers.

Beyond Work

Pastors Brent and Ryan discuss what it means to find and fulfill your calling and how you can even achieve this in whatever current job you have. Discussion Questions What skills and passions has God put inside of you that uniquely enable you to fulfill your calling? What is that calling? If you had to write down what God called you to do, what would you say? In what ways do your calling and your job overlap?

Beyond Me

Pastor Brent challenges the conventional wisdom of the day that says you do you by examining what it really means to deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Jesus. Introduction What do you prefer? Let’s learn a bit about you based on your brand preference: Zoom or MS Teams? This is the ultimate COVID option.Coke or Pepsi? The original question.Casey’s or Kim & Go? What about breakfast pizza?Levi’s or Wranglers?iPhone or the other device?Walmart or Target?Facebook or Snapchat?Jesus or Jesus?…

Beyond Hospitality

Pastor Ryan looks at various passages in the Bible to discover how hospitality goes beyond simply sharing a meal with someone to actually sharing your life. Discussion Questions Sunday we summarized that hospitality is “making room for others”. What is the biggest obstacle in making room for others in your life? What can you do to remove that obstacle? Take a moment to think about a time somebody showed extraordinary hospitality to you. How did it make you feel? How…

Beyond Evangelism

Pastor Brent talks with Matthew Becker about how evangelism and sharing Jesus with others doesn’t always have to be about a sales pitch, fear tactics, or even telling them about Jesus, but can be about walking with them a journey toward Jesus.

Beyond Religion

Pastor Brent challenges the idea that Jesus came to establish a new religion and shows why trusting in religion won’t get you where you thought you were going. Discussion Questions Why do you think some could be drawn to religion (right beliefs, behavior, rituals, etc.) over a relationship with Jesus? Why do you think Jesus was so hard and confrontational with the religious leaders in Matthew 23? As Jesus critiqued religion, do any of his critiques surprise you? If so,…

Beyond the Church

Sometimes we can become so inwardly focused that we forget that the church exists for those beyond its walls. Pastor Ryan looks at the parable of the Great Banquet and how Jesus wants us to go far and wide and invite people in. Discussion Questions What keeps you from being more willing to talk about Jesus with others? Limited contact with non-christians, fear of what they will think, fear of what to say, something else? Why are you a Christian?…