Awkward – Finding your footing when talking about Jesus
Evangelism is a Team Effort
Pastor Ryan Lenerz concludes the Awkward series by seeing how even though we elevate the Apostle Paul as someone who often shared his faith, he often did so with the help of others as a team. My Roll on a Basketball Team I really enjoy playing basketball. Maybe it’s because I’ve always been tall – but basketball has been a part of my life for as long as I could dribble a ball. I still try to play at least…
Telling Your Story
Pastor Amy Becker continues our look at how to find comfort when sharing our faith by looking at how the Apostle Paul shared his faith by telling his own personal story and how we can use his model to share our own story with those around us.
Where Do I Start?
Pastor Brent Clark starts a new series looking at the awkwardness of evangelism and how the Apostle Paul would often start when he traveled to a new city.