Messages on Romans (Page 2)

Messages on Romans (Page 2)


From Pain to Purpose

Pastor Ryan Lenerz continues to look at Life: Upside Down to discover how God can take our pain and turn it form pointless to purposeful.

Finding Victory

Pastor Ryan Lenerz takes a look at would we have victory in this spiritual battle but how victory may not look like what we think it is.

What’s the Point of Jesus’ Death

Introduction Last week we began a new series called, “What’s the Point?” The series is built around the idea that if we don’t understand the reason behind something or if we can’t see the value in something, then we are likely to dismiss it. I used the example of Algebra class. Most of us sat in that class learning how to solve quadratic equations, the entire time wondering, “When will I ever use this?” The overarching question we were asking…


Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Introduction Since the beginning of the new year, we have been talking about something that is usually on everyone’s mind when a new year begins — how to get fit. We have talked about the obvious things, the things people aren’t usually afraid to talk about, some that often we even joke about. We began with discussing how to become BodyFit. The important part isn’t the number on the scale or…

From Orphan to Child

Introduction Good morning. I am so glad you are here today. Over the last couple of weeks, we have been in a series we called Transformed. This series is built on the idea that when people encounter God, when we say yes to Jesus and begin the faith journey of following him, radical changes occur in our lives.  The first week, we looked at how one of the first things that happen when we put our faith in Jesus is…

Transformed: Bondage to Freedom

Sermon Podcast Audio  Your browser does not support the audio element. This article is going to tackle the topic of SIN.  I know this isn’t exactly what most of you are interested in reading about,  but don’t worry – I’m not here to condemn you for your sin or to give you a list of ways to try harder to fight it.  My hope is that by the end you will have a good idea of what it means to…

How Will They Know?

For those who follow Christ. there are probably very few things that strike fear and guilt into our hearts quicker than hearing the word evangelism. In fact, take a second and think about that word, “Evangelism”, what images come to your mind? We probably begin to think about telling others about Jesus. Evangelism is a nice church word. It means to bring good news. We have others churchy words that we also use to describe it as well. Witnessing. Sharing…