Messages on Proverbs
The Idol of Control
From the beginning of time, humans have confused humanity’s role with God’s role. We long to be in control of every aspect of our lives — our money, our families, our health, and our futures. In this message, Pastor Amy gives permission for you to be a child. More knowledge and control won’t quiet your soul, but trust in God will.
The Power of Words
The game and cultural phenomenon “Worldle” took the world by storm in 2022 and continues to demonstrate the power of words in our society. Why are words so powerful? And how can we use them to bring life and encouragement rather than disunity and despair?
The Importance of Friends
Pastors Brent and Ryan discuss how church can be friendly but still leave people friendless and how we can be a friend and what to look for in a friend.
Who’s the Boss?
Pastor Brent Clark begins a new series call The More You Know that looks at seven verses everyone should know. This week, he begins with Proverbs 3:5-6 and the importance of trusting God.
Summer School: Discipline
Introduction Today is our final day of Summer School! That’s right, for many of our kids, the school year starts back up this week and we can finally put some routine into our schedules. And it also means today’s message wraps up all that we have taught you over eight weeks of Summer School. To recap, we began by saying Proverbs isn’t a how-to book, it’s a how to BE book. Its not just a book of pithy, fortune cookie…
Summer School: Anger
Introduction This summer we have been taking a look at what many would think is the fortune cookie of the Bible. The book that doles out nice tidbits of helpful advice on how to live. But as we have looked at the book of Proverbs, I hope that most of us have seen that even though on the surface it appears that the statements help us know how to live, more importantly, they are concerned about who we are as a…
Summer School: Greed and Wealth
Introduction We are in the middle of a series of messages we are doing over the summer called “Summer School: Life Lessons from Proverbs.” Proverbs is this very interesting book in the Old Testament that many people treat like a fortune cookie. When we want advice we crack it open and read one of the “fortunes” to tell us what we should do. The problem is that this isn’t how Proverbs are meant to be read. They aren’t concerned as…
Summer School: Laziness
Introduction Days off are great. In fact, wouldn’t it be nice if every day was a day off? That’s what retirement is like, right? I kid — I hear from most our retired folks that life after work seems busier than when they had 40 hour a week jobs! But back to lazy days off — as good as it sounds to some of us to have nothing to do and nothing to work on day after day, we need to…
Summer School: Pride
Introduction Today we are going to talk about pride — something for which I am the most qualified to speak about. I’ve been an expert on pride for most of my life. I can remember my dad talking to me about my constant bragging at a very young age. Fortunately, because I’m amazing at everything I do, over the years I have been able to uproot the pride from my life and am now one of the humblest people I’ve ever…
Summer School: Wisdom
Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Introduction Do you like Chinese food? I didn’t grow up eating Chinese food, but quickly found a passion for it in college. Jade China, right down the road from the college served these massive portions for about $3.50. . .a college student’s dream. What I quickly learned in college is that the food in the container was the tasty stuff, but it was the fortune cookie where the real…