Messages on Matthew (Page 7)

Messages on Matthew (Page 7)

Church West Des Moines

Woe to the Pharisees

Pastor Amy Becker looks at Matthew 23 and Jesus harsh “Woe to you” words to the Pharisees and encourages those following Jesus to not be modern day Pharisees.
Church West Des Moines

Something Worth Giving Everything For

Pastor Brent Clark looks at two short parables about of Jesus about treasure to discover that there is something we can either stumble upon or search for, but when we find it we will see that is it worth giving everything for. This is the second message in The Red Letters: A Series on the Teaching of Jesus.
Church West Des Moines

How to Be Great

Pastor Ryan Lenerz kicks off the summer series called “The Red Letters: The Teachings of Jesus” by looking at what Jesus had to teach the disciples when they began arguing over who was the greatest. Jesus taught that true greatness comes not in being served but in serving others and is not found in authority but in submission.

Clearing Out the Clutter of Our Finances

Pastor Ryan Lenerz concludes the message series, Spring Cleaning: Clearing Out the Clutter, by looking at how we sometimes have clutter in our finances and are investing in the temporary without making lasting investments in things that will last forever.

The Lost Art of Fasting

Pastor Brent Clark continues The Lost Arts series by looking at one of the most neglected and misunderstood spiritual disciplines…fasting. Brent shows how fasting is more than just going without food but about denying ourselves for a spiritual purpose to seek and experience God.

The Lost Art of Worship

Pastor Brent looks at how even though worship may be a part of our weekly routine, it still gets lost in the daily lives of many people. Brent shows why worship is an important daily discipline and how to recover the lost art of worship.

From Death to Life

Lead Pastor Brent Clark begins a new series looking at how life in the kingdom is upside down from how we typically think life should be. He looks at Mark 8 and how Jesus tells us if we want to really live, we must die to ourselves.

What’s the Point of Church?

Introduction What do you think comes to mind when most people hear the word church? Your friends, neighbors, coworkers… when they hear the word church, what do you think comes to their mind? What comes to mind when YOU hear the word church? You may wonder why we would ask these questions. Well, we’ve been a series where over the last 3 weeks we have been trying to ask and answer the question, “What’s the point?” This is a question that can wreak havoc in our…

What’s the Point of Judgment

Introduction Two weeks ago Pastor Brent taught how the point of Jesus’ life was to innaugarate the Kingdom of God on this earth and give us a glimpse of what the Kingdom will look like.  Last week he taught that the point of Jesus’ death was to give us victory over sin and death. Today I’ll be answering the question: What’s the Point of God’s Judgment?  In saying that, I know some of you might be looking to make an…

Riding the Waves

 Introduction This week, Vacation Bible School has all been about one theme: Catching the Wave of God’s Amazing Love. What is fascinating about this statement is the idea of the wave.  Because depending on your perspective, and honestly your location, the wave can have either a positive or a negative connotation. It is good when you are on top of the wave, riding that wave to the shore, but when the waves are out of control, crashing all around you,…


Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Introduction We are in a series we call “GetFit – Being Whole and Holy in the New Year.” Statistics show that after the first week, already 25% of you would have given up or failed. So, way to go, quitters!  Just kidding. Even though many of us, me included, are not resolution makers, for many of us, the new year represents a fresh start, a chance to start over, to…