Messages on Matthew (Page 6)

Messages on Matthew (Page 6)

Church West Des Moines

White Christmas Expectations

Pastor Brent kicks off The Christmas Album and looks at songs like White Christmas and I’ll Be Home for Christmas and how often our expectations don’t match our circumstances but by keeping our focus on Christ we can see that our unmet expectations can be redeemed and quite possibly lead to more than we could have hoped or imagined.
Church West Des Moines

Leave a Mark on the Church

Pastor Brent looks at how even though many today consider church to be optional, Jesus considered the church the best and most effective way to change the world and the importance of those following Jesus to leave a mark on and through the church.
Church West Des Moines

Tearing Down Fences Through Peacemaking

Pastor Ryan shares how our God is a peacemaking God and as a result, followers of Jesus should be looking to bring peace everywhere we go as well.   Fences: Tearing Down Fences Through Peacemaking Matthew 5:9, 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 Today’s message is the capstone on our series Fences where we have been looking at how to maintain healthy relationships.  The reason we did this series is because, when you really think about it, relationships are the air we breathe…
Church West Des Moines

Mending Fences through Conflict Resolution

Pastor Brent looks at the relationships in our lives that need to be mended and how we should approach conflict resolution with others. Sermon Manuscript Fences: Mending Fences Conflict Resolution Matthew 5:23, Romans 12:18, Colossians 3:12-13 In our relationships, there are some words that we find very difficult to say. With that crush you’ve been carrying for some time, maybe it’s just me, but I remember, my hands getting all sweaty, my mouth getting all dry, my heart racing, and…
Church West Des Moines

Mission Impossible

Pastor Brent Clark looks at Matthew 28:18-20 to see how the commission to be a disciple and to go and make disciples means so much more than just giving people an education. It means more than knowing about Jesus. It means being like him.
Church West Des Moines

Family Tree

Pastor Ryan Lenerz shows how Jesus uses our concept of family to teach us what it means to be brothers and sisters within the church.
Church West Des Moines

The Doctor Is In!

Guest Speaker Andy Hermanson teaches on Matthew 9 where Jesus tells his disciples that healthy people don’t need a doctor but that sick people do. Fortunately Jesus is the doctor who can bring healing to our lives!
Church West Des Moines

The Stone the Builders Rejected

Pastor Ryan explains the parable of the wicked tenants and how the religious leaders stumbled over the Jesus rather than making him the cornerstone of their faith.
Church West Des Moines

God’s Timing

Pastor Ryan Lenerz explains from the parable of the Wheat and the Weeds that the fact that God is waiting to right the wrongs on this earth doesn’t mean he won’t act, but that he is gracious and patient before bringing his final judgment.
Church West Des Moines

The Subversive Kingdom

Guest Speaker Kathy Haug from InterVarsity shares with us how the Kingdom of God is like yeast, that when worked through all the dough, completely transforms it.
Church West Des Moines

It’s Time to Sow

Pastor Brent looks at the parable of the sower and how we are called to sow the message of Jesus today so those not yet following Jesus might come to know him and grow in faith.
Church West Des Moines

The Greatest Commandment

Pastor Brent looks at Matthew 22 and how Jesus’ answer of a question about the greatest commandment reveals that we might not always be asking the right question.