Messages on Matthew (Page 4)

Messages on Matthew (Page 4)


One sure way to find out what someone treasures is to look at how they spend their time and money. Often we are surprised at how what we say we value doesn’t get the most or bets of our attention and resources. Pastor Amy Becker looks at the Sermon on the Mount and how Jesus challenges us to see those things we invest in the most are the things we truly care about and value and how your heart follows…

How to Pray (and Not to Pray)

Many who follow Jesus struggle with how to pray often wondering if we are doing it right. Jesus gives us a framework on how to pray but prior to giving us this prayer guide he shares how not to pray.

Practice in Private

Pastor Ryan looks at how we may want others to see how religious we can be but real faith is what is done in private.

Revenge and Love

Often we find it so easy to react when things happen around us and especially to us. And yet Jesus says that those who follow him can do the extraordinary like turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, and even love our enemies. But how is this possible? Pastor Brent Clark looks at the last verses of Matthew 5 and the Sermon on the Mount to understand how these words don’t instruct us to be doormats but do show…

Oaths and Divorce

How important is it to keep your word and are there ever exceptions when you can’t? And how has the church gotten divorce so wrong for so long? Brent Clark and Ryan Lenerz discuss these two topics to see how being trustworthy people and staying committed to marriage (if possible) should be marks of those who follow Jesus.

Lust and Adultery

Pastor Brent looks at Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount to see what Jesus has to say about lust and adultery and how our lust can be a problem for us before we ever take our clothes off.

Anger and Murder

Someone cuts you off in traffic. Someone speaks ill of you or spreads lies about you. Someone hurts someone you love. All of us could fill pages of actions and incidents that cause us to get angry. But what does our anger and more specifically how that anger manifests itself say about our hearts? Pastor Amy continues looking at Jesus’ words in the Sermon on the Mount to see how closely our anger is tied to murder and how those…

Salt and Light

Ever wonder how those who follow Jesus should engage with the world around us? So often, Christians set themselves up as adversaries to the culture (often known as cultural warriors), or sometimes we become consumed by the culture, thereby losing any influence. But is this really the way Jesus wants us to be? Pastor Ryan Lenerz looks at Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and dives into what it really means to be salt and light to the world.

The Invitation of the Beatitudes

Pastors Brent Clark and Ryan Lenerz look at the words of Jesus and how we might miss Jesus’ invitation in the beatitudes for all to be a part of the kingdom if we try to make them a list of rules to live by. #micdup #beatitudes #Jesusownwords

Beyond Religion

Pastor Brent challenges the idea that Jesus came to establish a new religion and shows why trusting in religion won’t get you where you thought you were going. Discussion Questions Why do you think some could be drawn to religion (right beliefs, behavior, rituals, etc.) over a relationship with Jesus? Why do you think Jesus was so hard and confrontational with the religious leaders in Matthew 23? As Jesus critiqued religion, do any of his critiques surprise you? If so,…
restoring the foundation

Loving God to Love Others

Pastor Amy discusses how our restoration isn’t only for our own good but is so that we go into the world and seek the restoration of others as well. Discussion Questions Why do you think your ability to love others is so connected to your love of God? How is your relationship with God impacted when you fail to love others well? What’s one tangible way you can love others this week?
unpause sermon series

Get Out of the Boat

Pastor Brent looks at how the pandemic has made everyone a little more risk-averse but how it is always risky following Jesus. From Matthew 14 and the story of Peter walking on water with Jesus. Discussion Questions How risk averse are you? What do you think contributes to this? Of the list of obstacles that hold us back from exercising our faith, what one or two are the greatest obstacles for you? Is there something you feel God is calling…