Messages on Matthew

Messages on Matthew

The Idol of Family

Family is a beautiful gift from God, but when we begin placing our families equal to or above God, we lose sight of the role God intended for family to have in our lives. As we conclude our Counterfeit Gods series, we take a look at the idolization of the American family. What if the solution to the idol of family is not thinking of our families less but integrating them into the Kingdom of God with others in true…

The Idol of Money

Our attitude towards money and possessions matters. Does your money and stuff control you, or do you control it? Jesus never said that money was bad, but our heart posture towards it can easily turn money from a tool to be used for the Kingdom into an idol that can destroy our lives and relationships with Jesus.

The Idol of Success

We’ve created a system that teaches us that we are only as good as our last successes. Where does God say our value comes from, though? Follow along as we take a look at the idols of success and achievement, learning that God cares more about who we are than what we do.

A Time for Revelation

Who is God, and does He want to be known? The practice of revelation is a crucial part of faith that we often miss. In this message, Pastor Brent invites us to humbly seek Jesus and His Kingdom this Advent season and each day of the year.

Into the World

What should the church’s relationship look like with the world? As individuals, how should we interact with the people around us? The world longs to be seen, heard, and loved. As followers of Jesus, we have an opportunity to engage in the ministry of reconciliation with our community.

Conflict Resolution

Conflict is bound to happen, and how we deal with it matters. Listen as Pastor Brent shares what reconciliation can look like when we approach conflict with humility, love, vulnerability, and honesty. God doesn’t just want us to be reconciled with Himself; He also longs for reconciliation among His people.

How to Know Yourself

How do you know yourself? It’s a question that has many different answers, but perhaps it begins with knowing who you are in Christ: a child of divine love. Listen as Pastor Brent guides us in exploring both false and true identities, ultimately helping us know ourselves more deeply so we can know God more deeply.


Despite the power money holds over us as individuals and a society, Jesus calls us to live differently. The invitation to follow Jesus is also an invitation to live as generously as He did. Pastor Brent continues our Rediscovering Jesus series, challenging our obsession with wealth and calling us to follow the authentic Jesus.


Jesus was known by his radical compassion. His compassion wasn’t just an emotional response; it was also a physical one that led to the relief of pain and alienation. We too can grow in compassion by sitting at the feet of Jesus.

In Practice

Following Jesus isn’t easy. It’s not just about believing the “right” thing or praying the “right” thing. It’s about relationship, one that takes time and effort to cultivate. Hear from several people in our congregation who are trying their best to cultivate their faith—not from a sense of guilt or obligation, but from a desire to know God and be known by Him.

In the Neighborhood

Our faiths weren’t meant to be lived inside a bubble. Throughout Scripture, Jesus encourages us to go—to be His hands and feet throughout the world. Pastor Brent shares what it means to have compassion for our neighbors, rooting ourselves in the places we live, work, and learn as we seek to reveal the Kingdom of God in the world around us.

In Simplicity

We live hurried, complicated lives and often hurried, complicated faiths. But in Scripture, we find that the message of Jesus is quite simple: Love the Lord, and the love your neighbors as yourself.