Messages on Luke (Page 2)
Living in the Kingdom
As we conclude our Heaven on Earth series, we explore what it looks like to live in the Kingdom on a practical, daily basis. Pastors Brent and Steve share candidly about the ever-present tensions followers of Jesus face while embracing the values and lifestyles of the Kingdom of God.
Christmas Worship Online
Merry Christmas! Join us in celebrating the birth of our Savior with this brief holiday devotional.
Disciple Over Dinner
What would happen if two disciples had dinner with Jesus and didn’t even recognize Him? We find out in Luke 24, giving us insight into how to respond to life’s challenges when it feels like God’s not present. Hint: He’s always present.
The Best for Last
In his final hours, Jesus shares a Passover meal with his disciples. But unlike Passovers they have celebrated before, Jesus begins to reshape this meal and point the symbols of this meal to himself and his impending crucifixion. And as he sets a model for us today, Jesus shows that he invites all to share this meal at his table.
Invite Yourself Over
What happens when Jesus sees you and invites himself over to your house? It changes your life forever. Join Steve Rogers as he retells the familiar story of Zacchaeus and how his life changed from greedy tax collector to generous follower of Jesus.
Wait to Be Seated
How will we respond to Jesus’ call to compassion over creed? Pastor Brent explores the parables and story of healing that takes place in Luke. In this passage, we see how Jesus uses another dinner party to teach the Pharisees what the Kingdom of God should look like.
Wash What Matters
In a tense dinner party with the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law, Jesus reveals what really matters in His Kingdom: compassion, humility, and heart. Pastor Amy explores Luke 11, encouraging us to live with integrity internally and externally.
Smell the Roses
The story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42 reminds us to pause, surrender, and engage with Jesus even when we’re worried and distracted. Ultimately, Jesus cares more about who we are than what we produce. How will we respond to His invitation to sit at His feet and listen?
The Uninvited Guest
Others. Outcasts. Self-Righteous. Often we make assumptions about people we might describe with one of these adjectives. But how did Jesus respond when confronted with those the world discarded and those who were religious? In Luke’s gospel, we find the story of Jesus having dinner with the religious crowd when it is interrupted by an immoral woman. And what we see Jesus do surprises us because he offers forgiveness to both. But often the gratitude for that forgiveness is proportionate…
Dining with the Enemy
In a new series called Today’s Special: Dining with Jesus, Pastor Amy looks at the criticism Jesus received from by the religious elite by eating with those who were considered unclean and how we need to follow Jesus’ example and be willing to share the table with those who are different from us.
Standing at the Crossroad
The death of Jesus on the cross can mean many different things to many people. As Pastors Brent and Amy wrap up the message series Cross Roads, they conclude by looking at how Jesus described his followers as crucifying themselves and asking the question, what will you do as you stand at the crossroad and see the cross of Jesus?
What Was Luke Thinking?
Reading through the familiar Christmas story, we might be tempted to assume Luke was only interested in a biography of the life of Jesus. But reading forward, you see how Luke wanted Theophilus and those who came after to understand the full depth of Jesus’ ministry. Join Steve Rogers as he shares how Luke emphasizes the kingdom of God and is an invitation for us to join the work of Jesus there.