Messages on Luke

Messages on Luke

The Idol of Money

Our attitude towards money and possessions matters. Does your money and stuff control you, or do you control it? Jesus never said that money was bad, but our heart posture towards it can easily turn money from a tool to be used for the Kingdom into an idol that can destroy our lives and relationships with Jesus.

A Time for Wonder

Join us as we conclude the Advent series with A Time for Wonder. Reflect on how childlike awe can re-enchant our lives and draw us closer to God. From the extraordinary acts of Jesus to finding beauty in the ordinary, discover how wonder opens our hearts to God’s presence. Let’s cultivate curiosity, slow down, and marvel at the breathtaking work of our Creator this season.

A Time for Trials

One would like to think the holiday season only brings merriment and joy, but most know that the Christmas season can also be full of trials. Listen as Pastor Brent shares a word of encouragement. Advent reminds us that in darkness and difficulty, we are not alone.

Asking the Experts

As we learn what it means to pursue full mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health, we decided to ask a few experts in the mental health field, Anna Keppen and Matthew Becker, to share their knowledge and experiences with us. How can we take steps towards wholeness? How can we support the people around us as we pursue emotionally healthy spirituality?


As we explore “the real Jesus” behind the many counterfeits we find in society, we are challenged to respond. Listen as Pastor Steve explores Christ’s mission on Earth, influencing how we engage with the people and world around us.

Jesus & the Outcasts

Jesus loved the easiest people to hate, showed respect to the disrespected, and blessed those who could offer nothing in return. He championed the outcasts of society, demonstrating His incredible love and compassion to all who came near and challenging us to do the same.


Jesus was a humble King. In the stories of His miracles, teachings, and way of life, we constantly find Him serving the people around Him. As Pastor Amy explores this unique aspect of Jesus, it challenges us to question what it truly means to be “great.”

Is Jesus for Real?

Will the real Jesus please stand up? In a world of counterfeits, it’s difficult to determine who the real Jesus is. This Easter Sunday, Pastor Brent explores the resurrection of Jesus. Who was there? How did it happen, and what does this pivotal moment tell us about who Jesus is?

Good News of Great Joy

The birth of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords was announced to an unexpected audience. Pastor Steve explores the story of the angels’ incredible proclamation to a group of shepherds, demonstrating that the fear of God is the fear that drives away all other fears.

Mary’s Message

What does it mean to be “favored” by the Lord? Pastor Brent explores the beautiful story of Mary as told in Luke, helping us understand her significant role in the birth of Jesus even as a young, teenage girl.

It’s Me, a Sinner

In the book of Luke, we find two very different kinds of prayers in the parable of the tax collector and Pharisee. Pastor Brent explores the heart behind our prayers, teaching us that how we pray is more about the heart than anything else. Here, we receive the mercy of God.

The British Invasion (and Other Signs We Need Other Cultures)

What is it with the current cultural fascination with all things British? THe Bake Off? Dr. Who? Downton Abby? In this message titled “The British Invasion (and Other Signs We Need Other Cultures),” Pastor Brent explores the cultural fascination with British influence and how it intersects with our faith. From the timeless allure of the British Invasion to the impact of diverse cultural elements on our lives, Pastor Brent delves into the questions of why certain aspects of foreign cultures…