Messages on John (Page 2)
Truth and Discernment
In a world that says all truth is relative, how can those who want to authentically follow Jesus stand for anything? And as we go through the process of deconstruction is there anything we can truly believe? Pastor Brent looks at truth, the dangers of falling into the relative truth trap, the importance of discernment, and how absolute truth doesn’t weigh us down but is where we can find freedom.
What Are You Looking For?
In a world where we can often see people as a means to an end or tools to be used for our own benefit, having relationships not based on transactions can be difficult. As Jesus began his ministry, people started following him. So Jesus looked at a few early followers and asked, “What are you looking for?” Pastor Amy Becker looks at this question to see how the question invites us not into a transaction with Jesus but a relationship.
Do You Understand What I Have Done For You?
In a surprising and confusing moment toward the end of his life, at the last supper, Jesus picks up a towel and a basin and washes his disciples’ feet, a task usually left for the slave or the lowliest person. After he was done, he asked them, “Do you understand what I have done for you?” Steve Rogers looks at this question to see how instead of vying for power, being a Christ-follower means setting aside our own status to…
Do You Want to Get Well?
Sometimes questions asked can seem silly or even obvious. But what happens when the question that on the surface seems like a no-brainer asks us to a bit dig deeper to find the answer we truly desire. Jesus asks a man who is described as an invalid for 38 years if he wants to get well. We think the obvious answer is yes. But what could be beneath the surface of this question that this man, and also us, might…
Tension of Being In the World and Not Of It
In and of. Prepositions. Two small words. Small words can seem insignificant but can make all the difference in living a faith that follows Jesus. Pastor Brent looks at Jesus’ prayer in John 17 to see what Jesus meant and how we can live both in the world and not of it.
The Scattered Church
It’s nice and cozy and all the people look and think just like us. But is this what Jesus envisioned when he established the church? Join Pastors Brent Clark and Ryan Lenerz as they take a look at how the church cannot be all Jesus desires it to be by only gathering together. To really be the church, the church must scatter.
Beyond Hospitality
Pastor Ryan looks at various passages in the Bible to discover how hospitality goes beyond simply sharing a meal with someone to actually sharing your life. Discussion Questions Sunday we summarized that hospitality is “making room for others”. What is the biggest obstacle in making room for others in your life? What can you do to remove that obstacle? Take a moment to think about a time somebody showed extraordinary hospitality to you. How did it make you feel? How…
The Essentials – Holy Spirit
Pastor Amy looks at the empowering of the Holy Spirit in our lives and how our belief in the Spirit is essential to living as God desires his people to live. Discussion Questions How do you think your introduction to the Holy Spirit (as a child or as a new believer) impacts how you view the Holy Spirit today? Where do you see the fruit of the Spirit growing in your life? If you don’t see growth, why do you…
The Essentials – Jesus
Pastor Brent examines the importance of the essential belief in Jesus, who Jesus thought and said he was, and what those closest to Jesus believed about him. Discussion Questions How different would your life be if Jesus were not real or never existed? What does that indicate about your spiritual life? What do Jesus’ statements about himself and his actions show us about who he thought he was? (John 10:30, John 14:1, Luke 5:20-24, John 5:24-25) If asked by a skeptical friend, “Who…
The Christmas Light
Pastor Brent traces the importance of light from the beginning to the end of the biblical narrative and how Christmas is a reminder of the light of Jesus that has dawned to overcome the darkness.
Unpause Abiding in Jesus
Pastor Amy wraps up the Unpause series by looking at the importance of abiding in Jesus so that we might show the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. Discussion Questions How connected have you been to the vine in 2020? What’s keeping you from remaining? Where have you been fruitful in 2020? Continue the practice of Lectio Divina with Matthew 6:33. Read through the passage four times. Read and listen. Read and reflect. Read and respond. Read and rest.
God Is Always At Work
Pastor Ryan looks at John 14 and how God was and is still at work all around us in our world today. Discussion Questions Why do you think it is so hard for people to see the work of God in life? Where have you see God at work in your life since this pandemic began? What action can you take this week to join where you see God moving in your life or around you?