Messages on John

Messages on John

The God We Know

In John 14, we read Jesus make some bold statements about His identity. When you see Jesus, you see God. Jesus actually reveals the Father to us, which begs the question: What will you do with Jesus?

The Way

Our new sermon series explores the farewell discourse of Jesus: His final teachings to the disciples before His eventual death and resurrection. Pastor Brent begins by exploring the Way. Jesus says He’s “the way and the truth and the life,” but what does that mean? As we learn more about the Way, we also learn what true trust in God looks like.

Our Response

Now that we’ve explored who Jesus is, it’s time to respond. Pastor Brent and Pastor Amy dive into the various responses to Jesus we see in Scripture, encouraging us to follow Jesus in every facet of our lives.

Prince of Peace

Who do you turn to when chaos surrounds you? Listen to this brief Christmas Eve message on our King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and Prince of Peace: Jesus.

God With Us

God became flesh. It’s a simple yet profound truth that brings a holy, all-powerful God to our front doorstep. Listen as Pastor Amy helps prepare our hearts and minds to celebration the miracle of Jesus’ birth and His invitation to become the overlap between heaven and earth.

In Plain Sight – Jesus Revolution

In the late 60s and early 70s, something started happening among the hippies, druggies and that society rejected. Their quest for meaning and purpose that involved drug trips and LCD left them searching for more. Enter the Jesus Revolution of the late 60s, where hippies and drug addicts found hope and purpose by following Jesus. Witness the powerful journey of love and redemption as these souls were touched by His message, leading them to a path of faith and salvation.…

Sight and Insight

The Lord does not see things the way we see them, but how do we move from focusing on what we physically see in front of us to the insight only the Lord can provide? Pastor Steve takes a look at four passages of Scripture throughout the Bible as we continue our Lenten series.

King Jesus

We conclude our Crowned series with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus. Jesus’ reign does not look like those of the kings and queens we’ve studied thus far. He is powerful yet meek, authoritative yet compassionate, and righteous yet grace-filled. What would it look like if you crowned Jesus in your life today?

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is present throughout The Big Picture, but we see this part of God revealed in more significant ways following the ministry of Jesus. Who is the Holy Spirit, and how does He still help us today?


Jesus’ part in The Big Picture has always been present, but we see His role come to full fruition in His birth, ministry, death, and resurrection. He changes everything. What will you do with Jesus?

Serve Comfort Food

Peter’s story, as told in the books of John and Luke, comes full circle when Jesus invites him and several other disciples to breakfast after His resurrection. Jesus’ trio of questions may seem strange to most, but to Peter, they provide healing and restoration. God doesn’t just want to forgive our failures. He wants us to experience His love and fullness in restored relationship with Him.