Messages on Hebrews (Page 2)

Messages on Hebrews (Page 2)

unpause sermon series

Listening to God

Pastors Brent and Ryan discuss how God has spoken to his people in the past and how part of unpausing our lives today is learning to listen to God as he speaks to us today. Discussion Questions Take a moment to reflect on what it means that the God of the universe wants to speak to you. What has been your biggest barrier to hearing God speak to you? What action can you take to be prepared to hear God…

God is a White, Male Republican

Pastor Brent Clark addresses the lie that some believe that God is a white, male, Republican, but he also addresses the more dangerous underlying tendency to make God in our own image. Sermon Transcript In June of 1964, a man took the pulpit of a church and prayed this prayer: “Oh God, our Heavenly Guide, as finite creatures of time and as dependent creatures of [Yours], we acknowledge [You] as our sovereign Lord. Permit freedom and the joys thereof to…
Church West Des Moines

The Amazing Race

Pastor Brent looks at how following Jesus is like a race the how even in the difficulty it is important to not give up.
Church West Des Moines

Guiding Light

Pastor Ryan looks at Hebrews 4 and how the Word of God is more than we usually think it is and how it haas the ability to drastically shape our lives.

Threads: Movement

As far as parenting goes, Kerri and I have been very fortunate with our kids. We have certainly had ups and downs. Hannah being born 6 weeks early and only weighing 3 lbs 14 ozs. Luke needing a minor surgery at 6 months. And the routine infections, illnesses, and tubes in ears stuff. But for the most part, our kids, once born have been relatively healthy, growing kids. In November of 2012, the Department of Human Services called and asked…