Messages on Genesis (Page 3)
The Real Enemy
Pastor Ryan Lenerz continues the series looking at spiritual warfare by looking at our real enemy.
Home Alone
Using scenes from Home Alone, Pastor Brent Clark looks at the problem of loneliness at Christmas and how we are created for relationship.
God is Missional
Introduction Today we are going to conclude our series called “God Is.” We have loved hearing stories from some of you about how your view of God has been stretched and deepened as a result of these messages. While I say today is our final message in this series, by no means have we preached an exhaustive list of the character traits of God… after all, we never even taught about the Love of God! But we chose to teach on…
God is Gracious
Introduction We have been in a series called “God Is…” where we have looked at a lot of different verses in the Bible that help us to better understand the various aspects of God’s character. Our goal is to make sure we see God, not as we want him to be, or maybe as we have always thought him to be, but as he truly is. We only know and understand God because he has chosen to reveal himself to…
Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Emotional Immaturity Emotional health is often the most neglected or under-valued kind of health. We put physical health on a pedestal because we’ll die without it; however, we die internally without emotional health. We can’t have healthy relationships and we can’t have healthy spirituality without it. It’s impossible to be relationally and spiritually mature without emotional maturity. So in what ways do we neglect our emotional health? Emotional UNHEALTH, in it’s extremes,…
The Big Story of God: Covenant
Pinky Swear I love the Old Testament and today’s topic may be one of the most significant, albeit little known, passages in the Old Testament. Today we are going to read about the covenant God made with Abraham, then known as Abram, 4000 years ago. A covenant is a promise, but it’s a little different than what we think of when we think of promises. Most of us know that promises should never be broken, yet they regularly are. As children, I’m…
The Big Story of God: The Fall
From Good to Fallen Earlier, we began a series called, “The Big Story of God.” We started at the beginning of the story. Our story doesn’t begin with “Once upon a time.” It begins with, “In the beginning God created…” As we started looking at the story, we saw from this passage that the most important take-away from the creation story wasn’t the “how” or the “when” of creation, but the “who” and the “why.” We saw that the “who”…
The Big Story of God: Creation
Once Upon a Time “Once upon a time…” These four words bring back good memories for many of us. Perhaps it is the memory of a mom or dad sitting beside you after they tucked you into bed and began to read you a familiar story before you nodded off to sleep, or possibly it is the memory of you saying these words to your own children. These words were just the beginning, introducing a tale sure to capture the…