Messages on Exodus
First Things First
What are you living for? Your career, money, achievements, or even your family? We center our lives around countless things and relationships that often take up more of our hearts and minds than our love for Jesus. Follow along as we explore the counterfeit gods of our age in hopes that we come closer to the one, true God.
God’s Faithfulness in the Past and Provision for the Future
Celebrate Thanksgiving by reflecting on God’s goodness in the past and His provision for the future. Both Pastor Brent and Pastor Amy help us reflect on how God is working in our lives and community in this special service.
Suffering and Provision
Is the Lord among us or not? It’s a question you may find yourself asking from time to time. In the midst of suffering, it’s difficult to remember that God is a profound provider. Pastor Amy explores the book of Exodus, ultimately demonstrating that God not only knows we have needs, but He cares about providing for them.
The Law
The Big Picture series continues with one of the most famous Bible stories around: The Law of Moses. We learn how the laws and worship practices of the Israelites were formed and ultimately shaped the course of history. Once again, God’s faithfulness and mercy stand out despite the disobedience of His people.
What Is That In Your Hand?
Do you ever feel as though you have very little to offer? That your life couldn’t be of much use to others, much less God? Often, we can fail to see the value of our lives, especially when God wants to work through us. Pastor Brent looks at the call of Moses at the burning bush to see how before he was a great leader, Moses was a hesitant and questioning responder, but God was able to use Moses by…
The Tension of the Old and New Testament
Pastor Ryan digs into the perceived tension between an angry vengeful God of the Old Testament and the loving Jesus of the New Testament. Are they really that far apart?
It’s Risky to Say Yes
Pastor Brent looks at Moses and his experience at the burning bush to understand how it is risky to say YES to God’s call but a refusal to say yes might cause us to miss out more than we could possibly imagine.
Moses and the Red Sea
Pastor Ryan Lenerz continues a look at familiar stories of the Bible by looking at Moses and the crossing of the Red Sea and how that moment continues to point us today to Jesus.
From Wrestling to Rest
In the final message of the Life Upside Down series, Pastor Brent Clark looks at the call for those who follow Jesus to stop being so busy 24-7 and find in life a rhythm of rest.
God is Jealous
Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Introduction I’m so excited to continue our series describing who God is. Long before we began this series, when we were only in the planning stages — I was fired up to teach you all about this character trait of God. And the reason I wanted to teach on this topic is because it’s a hard pill for many of us to swallow. It’s one of those character…
God is Holy
Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Introduction We are in the middle of a series of messages where we are trying to fill in the the blank, “God is .” Our goal is to deepen our understanding of who God is. When we deepen our understanding of who God is, this results in a response. We cannot come face to face with God and just walk away from it. God is not some benign force…