Resources for Lent

Resources for Lent

Lent is a season of quiet reflection, a sacred journey through forty days of renewal. With its roots in Christ’s own time of fasting and prayer in the desert, Lent serves as a time for deep self-examination, repentance, and spiritual growth.

The season is framed by prayer, fasting, and benevolence—each an invitation to grow closer to the heart of God. Through prayer, we seek guidance and communion with God. Fasting reminds us of our need for spiritual nourishment and the power of self-discipline. Benevolence calls us to serve others, reflecting the love Christ showed through His sacrifice. To get the most out of this season, we put together a few resources below that may help guide your journey.

Devotionals & Books

An Unhurried Lent: This 40-day series of emails will help you cultivate an unhurried heart as you prepare for Easter.

Lent for Everyone: This inspirational series of devotionals from N.T. Wright guides readers through the Lenten season, offering prayers and reflections for each day.

Gospel in Life – A Journey Thought Lent: A free 40-day devotional emailed to you daily during this upcoming season of Lent.

Lent and Easter Wisdom from Henri J. M. Nouwen: These daily reflections, compiled by Judy Bauer, lead readers along a journey of both penance and celebration through the season of Lent.

Small Surrenders: Author Emilie Griffin offers readers daily devotionals using ancient and modern texts as inspiration in order to gain a deeper knowledge of ourselves and God.

Apps & Other Digital Resources

Lectio365: Each week through Lent, this app will offer prayer experiences focusing on the wilderness experience of a person or community, noticing how God met with them, shaped them and provided for them in the dry and desolate landscapes of their lives.

She Reads Truth: This digital community and app invites women of all ages to engage with Scripture. Check out some of their Lenten resources here!

Lent Spotify Playlist: These 40 songs were chosen (by Liz Pavey!) in hopes to capture the quietness, beauty, and reflection present in the season of Lent.



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