Quarantined: Extra – Spirit-Empowered Living

Quarantined: Extra – Spirit-Empowered Living

The word “charismatic” can mean a lot of different things to different people depending on your faith background. Here is how the Charismatic Tradition is shaping your Quarantined experience.

Spirit-Empowered Life: Fueling our lives from the presence and power of God
The Charismatic Tradition focuses on the power of God’s Spirit moving in and through us. Just as a car requires fuel to run, and our bodies require food for survival, so our souls rely upon the Spirit of God for spiritual energy. Through the Spirit, we are able to do more than we could on our own steam, and these abilities not only remind us of God’s presence but equip us to build up our communities in love.

“Frankly, there are no ’noncharismatic Christians’ … the Christian life is by definition a life in and through the Spirit.” Richard Foster in Streams of Living Water

copied from Renovare, https://renovare.org/about/ideas/the-six-streams


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