Pause and Pray

Pause and Pray

To be honest, I haven’t been a big fan of prayer techniques. My attitude has been when I want to pray, I’ll do it with my words when I want and where I want. The downside of that has been an undisciplined prayer life. That’s not a good attitude to have about communication in any relationship. Imagine the husband that declares, “I told you I love you at our wedding. If it changes, I’ll let you know.” Such a cavalier attitude toward intimate communication doesn’t deepen the bond of relationship. Right?

Back during Lent, I committed to participate in the Lectio 365 daily devotionals for the season. I have found them so beneficial in these challenging times that the morning and evening meditations have become a regular part of my day. With background music, soft voices uttering guidance through the meditation, they are soothing, relevant, centering and spiritually nourishing. Each is designed around a 10-minute “Pause and Pray” format. I hope you find them as beneficial as I have.


As I enter prayer now, I pause to be still; to breathe slowly, to re-center my scattered senses upon the presence of God.

Pause and Pray

Prayer of Approach: God of Peace, I offer You my worries, I bring You my brokenness, and I surrender my striving. As I rest in Your presence, I receive Your peace.


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