Messages (Page 8)

Messages (Page 8)

Whether you missed a message this past week, want to relisten to a message God is speaking to you about, or just want to check us out before showing up on a Sunday, we hope you are challenged and inspired by these messages.

Feel free to use the links above to search by Topic, Series, Book of the Bible, or Speaker.

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God’s Story in a Movie About Aliens

Sometimes movies are only about the entertainment they can bring. We watch that show or movie and enjoy our time with little to no impact on us going forward. But every once in a while, there’s a movie or show that gives us a glimpse of the story of God. Pastor Brent shares how the 2016 movie Arrival caught him off guard with a beautiful, 21st-century, science fiction-based picture of the love of God.

The Desire for the Spiritual

With a resurgence of tarot, horoscopes, and astrology, many people are looking for something beyond what can be seen. What do these desires teach us about how we were made, and where should we look for the satisfaction of our spiritual needs?

Shiny Happy People

Recent media stories about failures within the global church, a docuseries highlighting the rules-based religion, and denominational decisions about the role of women in the church can stir up many emotions. Anger. Disappointment. Confusion. Is this what following Jesus is supposed to look like? Join our panel as they discuss the pitfalls of legalism in religion and bring encourage on how to follow Jesus.

In a Fret Over Nothing

As children, The Wizard of Oz can be quite frightening as we watch the evil Wicked Witch of the West go after sweet Dorothy and her misfit friends. And even Dorothy’s encounter with the great and powerful Oz can be disconcerting. As adults, we can still be tempted to allow our fears of what’s behind the curtain to shape our lives and behavior. Join Steve Rogers as he looks into this classic movie and helps us discover we are often…

The Power of Words

The game and cultural phenomenon “Worldle” took the world by storm in 2022 and continues to demonstrate the power of words in our society. Why are words so powerful? And how can we use them to bring life and encouragement rather than disunity and despair?

Seeing God All Around Us

Jesus is always speaking, but are we listening? God longs for us to know him both intellectually and experientially. This summer, join us as we take a look at various movies, TV shows, podcasts, and cultural phenomenons. God may have something to say, even in the least expected of places!

Living in the Kingdom

As we conclude our Heaven on Earth series, we explore what it looks like to live in the Kingdom on a practical, daily basis. Pastors Brent and Steve share candidly about the ever-present tensions followers of Jesus face while embracing the values and lifestyles of the Kingdom of God.

The Now & Not Yet Kingdom

God’s Kingdom has been established on Earth as it is in heaven. However, it hasn’t been consummated fully yet. Pastor Amy explores the tension of the “now and not yet Kingdom,” bringing hope for the restoration and renewal of all things.

The Value of the Kingdom

Lots of ideas and motivations clamor for our undivided attention in our world. But what is truly worth our time? Is there something worth dedicating ourselves to and reorienting our lives around? In some of the parables Jesus told, we see what he believed to be the value of his kingdom and why it is worth giving everything for.

How Do We Live

It’s one thing to know and understand the values of the Kingdom of God, but it’s another thing to actually live them out on a daily basis. Pastor Amy takes a look at some of keys values we see in Scripture – love, hospitality, generosity, and humility – in order to demonstrate what it looks like to embody them with our minds, hearts, and bodies.