Messages (Page 43)

Messages (Page 43)

Whether you missed a message this past week, want to relisten to a message God is speaking to you about, or just want to check us out before showing up on a Sunday, we hope you are challenged and inspired by these messages.

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Renew Purpose

Over the last few weeks, we have been discussing this idea of renewal. As we enter a new year, what are those areas that we feel like needs some attention, something we may have lost or forgotten. Something that might need a little jolt to get us back on track. It seems that every new year is essentially the same though. January 1st comes along, people reevaluate their lives, make resolutions, and really try to live differently. And so we…

Renew Passion

This will come as a big shock to most of you, but there was a time when I was a hopeless romantic. When Kerri and I first started dating, I did anything and everything I could to woo her. And I was pretty good at it, if I do say so myself. After all, this skinny, dorky guy who wore glasses and loved Star Trek got that beautiful woman to marry me! I can remember the May I proposed to…

Renew the Person

It’s a New Year I’m sure you may be tired of hearing it, but another year is in the books and now is the time of year we all do our annual New Year’s resolutions, which I’m sure more than a handful have already been broken – it is the 4th day of the year already! Granted, perhaps many of you have given up on New Year’s resolutions – I understand how enough years of broken and meaningless resolutions would…

Tis the Season for Peace

Do you ever feel guilty at Christmastime? You look around. You see all the smiling faces. You smell the delicious aromas of peppermint, gingerbread, and cinnamon. You hear the carols and other music telling you, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” And you are reminded of all the emotions that you are “supposed” to have, the “right” way to experience Christmas, but for you, your experience is different. You can fake those emotions publicly, but on the inside,…

Tis the Season for Hope

I’m so glad to finally be here today.  And I don’t mean sitting in my office, though that’s good too.  I mean the Christmas season!  I know some of the stores have had decorations out for months and winter weather has been here for several weeks, but now that Thanksgiving is past, I can finally turn my Christmas lights on and listen to Christmas music without feeling guilty. I know many of you love this time of the year too! …

What Is Your Something to Talk About?

Have you ever felt totally overwhelmed by something you were supposed to do? To the point that the thought of it made you sick or you would just tremble and shake. You really would rather just run away than do it? I know I have, and my kids have too. Several years ago, before we moved to Iowa, our previous church decided to do a children’s musical for Christmas. They had not done one before and one of the ladies…

What Do You See?

What’s Holding us Back? For many of us, evangelism is one of our least favorite aspects of Christianity.  It makes us feel uncomfortable and pushy.  But telling the world about the hope we have in Jesus is such an important topic that we have to keep drilling into it – looking at our role and our responsibility in telling others this Good News. In our last message, Pastor Brent did a great job setting up this series by unpacking our…

How Will They Know?

For those who follow Christ. there are probably very few things that strike fear and guilt into our hearts quicker than hearing the word evangelism. In fact, take a second and think about that word, “Evangelism”, what images come to your mind? We probably begin to think about telling others about Jesus. Evangelism is a nice church word. It means to bring good news. We have others churchy words that we also use to describe it as well. Witnessing. Sharing…