Messages (Page 42)

Messages (Page 42)

Whether you missed a message this past week, want to relisten to a message God is speaking to you about, or just want to check us out before showing up on a Sunday, we hope you are challenged and inspired by these messages.

Feel free to use the links above to search by Topic, Series, Book of the Bible, or Speaker.

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Villains of the Bible – Satan – The Original Villain

Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Heroes and Villains I am a self-professed nerd. I love for Star Trek. This love led me at one time to attend a Star Trek convention. One thing I have never had a great love for was comic books or graphic novels. I read a lot already, so reading is rarely a recreational activity for me. But, I do love comic book movies. Batman. Spiderman. Superman. X-Men. The Avengers.…

The Other Guy – The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

In the spirit of full disclosure, I have to begin by saying  I was raised in a Pentecostal home, so this series on the Holy Spirit covers topics I am well versed in.  For those who aren’t familiar with the word “Pentecostal” — it’s a sub-group of Christians who expect the supernatural works of the Holy Spirit to show up in their lives on a regular basis.   So, I was given the opportunity to share about the gifts of the…

From Orphan to Child

Introduction Good morning. I am so glad you are here today. Over the last couple of weeks, we have been in a series we called Transformed. This series is built on the idea that when people encounter God, when we say yes to Jesus and begin the faith journey of following him, radical changes occur in our lives.  The first week, we looked at how one of the first things that happen when we put our faith in Jesus is…

Transformed: Bondage to Freedom

Sermon Podcast Audio  Your browser does not support the audio element. This article is going to tackle the topic of SIN.  I know this isn’t exactly what most of you are interested in reading about,  but don’t worry – I’m not here to condemn you for your sin or to give you a list of ways to try harder to fight it.  My hope is that by the end you will have a good idea of what it means to…

Transformed: Death to Life

John 5:24-26 Introduction Good morning and Happy Easter. As you all probably know, Easter is a big deal for Christians and the church. This isn’t just the usual Sunday. Everything for Christians hinges on the resurrection. Your belief or non-belief even hinges on what you believe about the resurrection. I want to read the events of the first Easter morning to you. Listen to how Luke describes that morning from Luke 24:1-12. 1 But very early on Sunday morning the…

Spirit Led Evangelism

We are returning to a series we did in November.  If you can remember ALL THE WAY BACK to then, you might remember that we taught you about Evangelism.  We admitted it was a word most of us fear, but over the course of 4 weeks, we laid down a foundation for the importance of evangelism. First, we looked at the famous scripture from Romans 10 that says, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved”…

Threads: Movement

As far as parenting goes, Kerri and I have been very fortunate with our kids. We have certainly had ups and downs. Hannah being born 6 weeks early and only weighing 3 lbs 14 ozs. Luke needing a minor surgery at 6 months. And the routine infections, illnesses, and tubes in ears stuff. But for the most part, our kids, once born have been relatively healthy, growing kids. In November of 2012, the Department of Human Services called and asked…

Threads: We are Better Together

At Ashworth, we value connection. It is one of our core values we base all that we do on.  Stated another way, we believe we are better together! Do you believe that?  Have you ever tried to carry a long board through a self-closing door?  I tried carrying an 8’ long board out of our church and had to go through two self-closing doors.  Total pain in the butt.  Until somebody came and held the door for me.  We were…

Threads: Jesus Changes Everything

Every so often, something or someone comes along that radically transforms the way we think or the way we do things. An event happens, a product is invented, an event transpires, a person is born, and life as we know it is changed forever.  For years and years, if you wanted to talk to someone on the phone, you did it standing next to a device that was on a shelf or hanging on the wall. And if you wanted…