Messages (Page 41)

Messages (Page 41)

Whether you missed a message this past week, want to relisten to a message God is speaking to you about, or just want to check us out before showing up on a Sunday, we hope you are challenged and inspired by these messages.

Feel free to use the links above to search by Topic, Series, Book of the Bible, or Speaker.

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Church West Des Moines

The Big Story of God: New Creation

Intro I love a good ending! In fact, I’ve been known to be so impatient, I skip way ahead and read the last few pages long before I am done with the book!Matthew discovered this on our honeymoon while I was reading “The Hunger Games.”  I want to know the ending is good before I really get invested in the story!The good news about this Big Story of God is that we know the end—AND IT’S THE BEST ENDING!! We have…
Church West Des Moines

The Big Story of God: The Church

Run, Forrest  This weekend a new Tom Hanks movie came out, “Bridge of Spies.”  I heard it was really good, but I wonder if it’s as good as my favorite Tom Hanks movie, “Forrest Gump.”  I love the character he played and how the movie intertwined fiction with historical events so well.  One scene in particular, I remember vividly.  It was while he was serving in the Army in Vietnam.  He’s walking through the jungle when suddenly his platoon is in the…
Church West Des Moines

The Big Story of God: The Savior

Introduction Have you ever been given a task to plan or a project to oversee only to have your best laid plans go horribly awry? In my previous life, when I was in banking, I had the job of overseeing bank operations. One of the tasks I was charged with was new projects. Back in 2005, our small community bank decided it was time to enter the 21st century and that we would pursue document imaging for all of our…
Church West Des Moines

The Big Story of God: The Law

Introduction This entry is part of a series called, “The Big Story of God.” We are looking at the overarching theme or narrative running in the Bible from the start to the very end. In previous entries, we saw a personal God that creates everything and desires his creation (you and me) to know him. We saw that humanity disobeyed him, destroying our relationship with him, and allowing sin to enter the world.  Even then, God’s desire for his creation to…
Church West Des Moines

The Big Story of God: Covenant

Pinky Swear I love the Old Testament and today’s topic may be one of the most significant, albeit little known, passages in the Old Testament. Today we are going to read about the covenant God made with Abraham, then known as Abram, 4000 years ago. A covenant is a promise, but it’s a little different than what we think of when we think of promises. Most of us know that promises should never be broken, yet they regularly are. As children, I’m…
Church West Des Moines

The Big Story of God: The Fall

From Good to Fallen Earlier, we began a series called, “The Big Story of God.” We started at the beginning of the story. Our story doesn’t begin with “Once upon a time.” It begins with, “In the beginning God created…” As we started looking at the story, we saw from this passage that the most important take-away from the creation story wasn’t the “how” or the “when” of creation, but the “who” and the “why.” We saw that the “who”…
Church West Des Moines

The Big Story of God: Creation

Once Upon a Time “Once upon a time…” These four words bring back good memories for many of us.  Perhaps it is the memory of a mom or dad sitting beside you after they tucked you into bed and began to read you a familiar story before you nodded off to sleep, or possibly it is the memory of you saying these words to your own children. These words were just the beginning, introducing a tale sure to capture the…

Faithful: Revealed Faith

Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Faith Themes in Second Timothy Today we are wrapping up a series called “Faithful.” We have looked at each of the major themes in a letter the Apostle Paul wrote to his protégé, Timothy. This is Second Timothy in our Bibles. Paul penned this letter while he was in prison. It is the last preserved correspondence we have between Paul and Timothy. In the letter, Paul wants to guide Timothy…

Faithful: Enduring Faith

Commitment One of thehardest things for me as a parent is getting my kids to followthrough with the commitments they’vemade, and even more so on the commitments I have made for them. Maybe you’ve experienced this as well. Your child says they wantto play a sport or do some activity, but after abouttwo days or weeks into it, after a few practices, or after having to get upearly one time for it, they decide they don’t wantto do it anymore.…

Faithful: Pure Faith

Lately, my son has been infatuatedwith a show on the Travel Channel called “Gem Hunt.” In the show, the maincharacter, Ron LeBlanc, is traveling around the world to remote areas insearch of precious gems. Often, he’ll show up in a village and people from allover will bring him colored rocks for him to buy. His problem is that among thevery valuable, pure gemstones are common worthless stones, impure stones, andsynthetic stones made to imitate the real thing. One of the…

Faithful: Persuasive Faith

Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Jury Duty Several years ago in Arkansas, I received the dreaded letter in the mail from the county courthouse informing me that I had been given a very special honor. I had been selected for jury duty. What I loved about the letter was that it didn’t really ask if I wanted to be on jury duty; it just said I was. Congratulations. During my “sentence,” I was fortunate enough…

Faithful: Shared Faith

Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Now that its August, many people will say farewell totheir 18 year old children who are moving out of the house.In this time of transition from high school to college, I guarantee theseparents are taking moments to give advice – to challenge and encourage theirkids on how to live, how to study, how to make friends, and in general, how tobe successful on their own. Leaving home can be…