Messages (Page 40)

Messages (Page 40)

Whether you missed a message this past week, want to relisten to a message God is speaking to you about, or just want to check us out before showing up on a Sunday, we hope you are challenged and inspired by these messages.

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Sermon Podcast Audio  Your browser does not support the audio element. Whole and Holy in the New Year  I love New Year’s celebrations, not for the drunken debauchery or for trying and failing to stay up until midnight, but because it gives me the opportunity to consider what I want to change going into the new year.  That and New Year’s Eve is my anniversary, so that’s special too!  I’m sure I’m not the only one who uses the new year…

After the Picture Perfect Christmas

Sermon Podcast Audio  Your browser does not support the audio element. Picture Perfect We have been looking at the nativity scene during our series, “A Picture Perfect Christmas.”  We have talked about the shepherd’s crook, the Magi, the message of the angels, and the manger. So, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about what happens after the birth of Jesus. We will be looking at Matthew 2:13-16. To give some background to this scene, Herod was the king of Judea during…

GetFit in 2016

Almost everyone likes the prospects of a new year. A clean slate. A fresh start. And with the excitement of a new year comes all the promises and resolutions to improve yourself. Lose weight. Become more religious. get finances under control.  While all these goals are admirable, we also know that within the first few weeks, that gym membership is going unused, the Christmas credit card comes due and we our finances are pulling us under water, and the desire…

A Picture Perfect Christmas: The Manger

Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. How Kings are Born Today we are going to continue our series called, “A Picture Perfect Christmas,” where we are looking at the famous nativity scene so many of us associate with Christmas.  But what is so amazing about this scene we keep showing you, is that it wasn’t supposed to be this way.  This is NOT how kings are born into this world. If you want a glimpse…

A Picture Perfect Christmas: The Message of the Angels

Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. The Picture It’s Christmastime, so each Sunday we are talking about the birth of Jesus. We are currently in a series called “A Picture Perfect Christmas.” Each week we are taking a look at the scene that occurred a couple of thousand years ago and asking what the significance is of this part of the nativity. We began by looking at the shepherds. We saw how the announcement to…

A Picture Perfect Christmas: The Magi

Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. The Picture Last week we began our Christmas series and we are calling it “A Picture Perfect Christmas.” We are looking at the original Christmas scene—the nativity and those people or images that we normally associate with that one night in Bethlehem so long ago. When we think of a picture perfect Christmas, we think of things like a Norman Rockwell painting, or we might even envision perfect family photos. We…

A Picture Perfect Christmas: The Shepherd’s Crook

Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Christmas  Can I tell you what I’m really excited about?  Christmas!  I can finally light up the outside of my house.  We put up the tree and decorations on Friday.  My first Christmas celebration begins this coming weekend already—and I get to celebrate it all month long.  I’ll celebrate Christmas this year with: The youth here at church The Drake Intervarsity college kids with Amy Everyone who attends the…

The Right Kind of Rich

Introduction It is Thanksgiving week and I hope that your plans are all made and that you’ve already begun to think about what you are thankful for this year. We can easily forget that most countries around the world don’t celebrate Thanksgiving.  I think it is probably one of the best holidays we have, not just because of the food, although I am a BIG fan of that. I was talking to my daughter Hannah, who is currently serving as…

Thanksgiving 2015: Our Imperatives

November is Special For us as a church, this month is special. Forty four years ago, November 21, 1971, the first worship service for what is now Ashworth Road Baptist Church was held. A lot has changed over the years, but the original mission that set this church on our current path is still the same: to be a church that reaches out to people in our community with the message of Jesus, to show our community Jesus and his love,…

Can’t We All Just Get Along: Family Reconcilliation

Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. The Holidays  It’s finally November and I think for most of us, this signals that the holiday season is upon us.  Thanksgiving is two and a half weeks away and Christmas is just around the corner.  Most of you have probably begun making your plans for the holidays already—you know where you are spending Thanksgiving and Christmas, you know which days you are taking off work, and you know what dessert you…

Racial Reconciliation

Introduction Last year, the pastoral team and I went away to plan our preaching calendar for this year. One of the topics we thought we should cover was the issue of racial reconciliation.A couple of months before our meeting, we had seen the reporting of the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Images flashed across the television of the response of the people in the community and in the nation. We knew this would be an important topic to…

Can’t We All Just Get Along: Racial Reconciliation

Introduction Last year, the pastoral team and I went away to plan our preaching calendar for this year. One of the topics we thought we should cover was the issue of racial reconciliation. A couple of months before our meeting, we had seen the reporting of the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Images flashed across the television of the response of the people in the community and in the nation. We knew this would be an important topic…