Whether you missed a message this past week, want to relisten to a message God is speaking to you about, or just want to check us out before showing up on a Sunday, we hope you are challenged and inspired by these messages.
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What’s the Point of Judgment
Introduction Two weeks ago Pastor Brent taught how the point of Jesus’ life was to innaugarate the Kingdom of God on this earth and give us a glimpse of what the Kingdom will look like. Last week he taught that the point of Jesus’ death was to give us victory over sin and death. Today I’ll be answering the question: What’s the Point of God’s Judgment? In saying that, I know some of you might be looking to make an…
What’s the Point of Jesus’ Death
Introduction Last week we began a new series called, “What’s the Point?” The series is built around the idea that if we don’t understand the reason behind something or if we can’t see the value in something, then we are likely to dismiss it. I used the example of Algebra class. Most of us sat in that class learning how to solve quadratic equations, the entire time wondering, “When will I ever use this?” The overarching question we were asking…
What’s the Point of Jesus’ Life?
Series Introduction Are you a pragmatic person? Practical? I say this about myself often. And the curse of being a very practical person is that when I am confronted with something that appears to be a waste of time or pointless, I find it very difficult to muster the motivation to do it or follow through with it. Not long ago, I took a class on global missions. It was for graduate level credit, so it was important that I do well,…
Get Fit Remix: Perseverance
Introduction Today and next week we are doing a very quick series we like to call Remix. Remix is where we look back at some sermon series we’ve done before and see if there was something we felt like we needed to talk about again, a topic we wanted to cover but didn’t get worked into the schedule, or because we thought the topic was of such importance, we just felt like it was good to bring up as a reminder.…
Summer School: Discipline
Introduction Today is our final day of Summer School! That’s right, for many of our kids, the school year starts back up this week and we can finally put some routine into our schedules. And it also means today’s message wraps up all that we have taught you over eight weeks of Summer School. To recap, we began by saying Proverbs isn’t a how-to book, it’s a how to BE book. Its not just a book of pithy, fortune cookie…
Summer School: Anger
Introduction This summer we have been taking a look at what many would think is the fortune cookie of the Bible. The book that doles out nice tidbits of helpful advice on how to live. But as we have looked at the book of Proverbs, I hope that most of us have seen that even though on the surface it appears that the statements help us know how to live, more importantly, they are concerned about who we are as a…
Summer School: Honesty
Introduction I want to tell you today that I can’t stand being lied to! This is seriously one of those things that drives me crazy. Any time I find out a person has deliberately lied to me or deceived me for their own benefit I want to blow my top. My kids know this about me – we have made it very clear that lying is NEVER okay in our home. You can ask William about that – he once had…
Something Worth Giving Everything For
Introduction As we approach the end of July, we approach the end of another ministry year. And this has been a great year. It seems very evident to me that God has been leading us as a church, and God has been blessing our efforts over the last year. It’s not that he owes us because we are something special, but because our desire has been to find where he is working and join him there and to glorify His…
Summer School: Greed and Wealth
Introduction We are in the middle of a series of messages we are doing over the summer called “Summer School: Life Lessons from Proverbs.” Proverbs is this very interesting book in the Old Testament that many people treat like a fortune cookie. When we want advice we crack it open and read one of the “fortunes” to tell us what we should do. The problem is that this isn’t how Proverbs are meant to be read. They aren’t concerned as…
Summer School: Laziness
Introduction Days off are great. In fact, wouldn’t it be nice if every day was a day off? That’s what retirement is like, right? I kid — I hear from most our retired folks that life after work seems busier than when they had 40 hour a week jobs! But back to lazy days off — as good as it sounds to some of us to have nothing to do and nothing to work on day after day, we need to…
Riding the Waves
Introduction This week, Vacation Bible School has all been about one theme: Catching the Wave of God’s Amazing Love. What is fascinating about this statement is the idea of the wave. Because depending on your perspective, and honestly your location, the wave can have either a positive or a negative connotation. It is good when you are on top of the wave, riding that wave to the shore, but when the waves are out of control, crashing all around you,…
Summer School: Pride
Introduction Today we are going to talk about pride — something for which I am the most qualified to speak about. I’ve been an expert on pride for most of my life. I can remember my dad talking to me about my constant bragging at a very young age. Fortunately, because I’m amazing at everything I do, over the years I have been able to uproot the pride from my life and am now one of the humblest people I’ve ever…