Whether you missed a message this past week, want to relisten to a message God is speaking to you about, or just want to check us out before showing up on a Sunday, we hope you are challenged and inspired by these messages.
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When It All Falls Apart
Lead Pastor Brent Clark looks at the difficult topic of divorce and what Jesus and Paul said to bring accountability and grace to marriage that fall apart.
Wedded Bliss?
Pastor Brent Clark looks at what the Apostle Paul has to say about marriage to the church in Corinth.
Sexual Liberation
Pastor Ryan Lenerz continues the Relationslips series and looks at the topic of sexual immorality and how we can find true freedom in Christ.
Celebrating Singleness
Pastor Amy Becker continues the Relationslips series by looking at what the Apostle Paul says about singleness.
A Foundation of Love
Pastor Brent Clark begins a new series looking at 1 Corinthians and how we can avoid those slippery areas in our relationships.
Home Alone 2
Pastor Ryan Lenerz concludes the Christmas Story series by looking at Home Alone 2 and the Bible to see how we can stop making the same mistakes we always do in the new year.
Jingle All the Way
Pastor Brent Clark looks at how Jesus was the perfect Chistmas gift.
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Pastor Ryan Lenerz continues the Christmas Story by looking at The Nightmare Before Christmas and how the kingdom of God differs from the kingdom of this world.
A Christmas Story
Pastor Brent Clark looks at some in the Bible who experienced disappointment and how we can overcome our disappointment with a foundational belief.
Home Alone
Using scenes from Home Alone, Pastor Brent Clark looks at the problem of loneliness at Christmas and how we are created for relationship.
Pastor Ryan Lenerz begins the 2016 Christmas series A Christmas Story by looking at the movie Elf and 1 John to examine how we are children of God.
What’s the Point of Church?
Introduction What do you think comes to mind when most people hear the word church? Your friends, neighbors, coworkers… when they hear the word church, what do you think comes to their mind? What comes to mind when YOU hear the word church? You may wonder why we would ask these questions. Well, we’ve been a series where over the last 3 weeks we have been trying to ask and answer the question, “What’s the point?” This is a question that can wreak havoc in our…