Messages (Page 35)

Messages (Page 35)

Whether you missed a message this past week, want to relisten to a message God is speaking to you about, or just want to check us out before showing up on a Sunday, we hope you are challenged and inspired by these messages.

Feel free to use the links above to search by Topic, Series, Book of the Bible, or Speaker.

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Something Worth Giving Everything For

Introduction As we approach the end of July, we approach the end of another ministry year. And this has been a great year. It seems very evident to me that God has been leading us as a church, and God has been blessing our efforts over the last year. It’s not that he owes us because we are something special, but because our desire has been to find where he is working and join him there and to glorify His…

Summer School: Greed and Wealth

Introduction We are in the middle of a series of messages we are doing over the summer called “Summer School: Life Lessons from Proverbs.” Proverbs is this very interesting book in the Old Testament that many people treat like a fortune cookie. When we want advice we crack it open and read one of the “fortunes” to tell us what we should do. The problem is that this isn’t how Proverbs are meant to be read. They aren’t concerned as…

Summer School: Laziness

Introduction Days off are great.  In fact, wouldn’t it be nice if every day was a day off?  That’s what retirement is like, right?  I kid — I hear from most our retired folks that life after work seems busier than when they had 40 hour a week jobs!   But back to lazy days off — as good as it sounds to some of us to have nothing to do and nothing to work on day after day, we need to…

Riding the Waves

 Introduction This week, Vacation Bible School has all been about one theme: Catching the Wave of God’s Amazing Love. What is fascinating about this statement is the idea of the wave.  Because depending on your perspective, and honestly your location, the wave can have either a positive or a negative connotation. It is good when you are on top of the wave, riding that wave to the shore, but when the waves are out of control, crashing all around you,…

Summer School: Pride

Introduction Today we are going to talk about pride — something for which I am the most qualified to speak about.  I’ve been an expert on pride for most of my life.  I can remember my dad talking to me about my constant bragging at a very young age.  Fortunately, because I’m amazing at everything I do, over the years I have been able to uproot the pride from my life and am now one of the humblest people I’ve ever…

Summer School: Wisdom

Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Introduction Do you like Chinese food? I didn’t grow up eating Chinese food, but quickly found a passion for it in college. Jade China, right down the road from the college served these massive portions for about $3.50. . .a college student’s dream. What I quickly learned in college is that the food in the container was the tasty stuff, but it was the fortune cookie where the real…

Dialogue: Praying Together

Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Introduction What comes to mind when you hear the words “Prayer Meeting”? If you’ve been around church for some time, I assume you are familiar with the concept. A prayer meeting is a time where Christians get together and they pray. There can be a lot of variations of this activity. They can be loud, boisterous times like my wife, Kerri and I experienced at a Pentecostal church in Tulsa, Oklahoma…

Dialogue: When God is Silent

Introduction Today we take up a topic that I am positive we have all had to deal with at some point in our lives. In fact, I dare say that some of us here this morning are currently living in this moment right now. Over the last month, we have been looking at the topic of prayer in this series we call “Dialogue – Recovering the Lost Art of Communicating with God.” For four weeks we have seen how prayer…

Dialogue: God (Still) Speaks

One-Sided Conversation Today I’ll be continuing our series called Dialogue: Recovering the Lost Art of Communicating with God.  Now to begin, I want to tell you a story about a recent conversation I had at Caribou Coffee earlier this week. I went to Caribou on Tuesday to start my day with time reading and praying.  I wanted to get a start on this message and just start my day off on the right foot.  I got my coffee, sat down…

Dialogue: Authentic Prayer

Introduction We  are in the middle of a series we are calling “Dialogue: Recovering the Lost Art of Communicating with God.” And that is just our fancy way of saying we want to spend a few weeks talking about prayer.  We began the series talking about why prayer is necessary. If we aren’t careful, we can get caught in the trap of thinking praying doesn’t matter, that it doesn’t do anything or change anything, so why bother? But what we…

Umbrella Dance

The following blog was written by Suki Joseph and shared on her personal blog. Suki is a part of Ashworth Road serving in the kids ministry and doing some of the amazing graphic designs you see at Ashworth Road.  It was raining while we were travelling in our car the day before yesterday and my 2 year old daughter suddenly realized she needed an umbrella to dance in the rain. My husband and I reasoned with her throughout the entire…

Dialogue: Can I Ask God for That?

Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Introduction Today we’re going to continue our series on prayer as a dialogue.  I hope with this message to encourage your prayer life – and to challenge you to pray like you never have before!  Last week, Pastor Brent kicked off our new series by answering the question: “Does prayer change things?” Because if prayer doesn’t really make any difference in our lives, then it’s really silly to spend…