Whether you missed a message this past week, want to relisten to a message God is speaking to you about, or just want to check us out before showing up on a Sunday, we hope you are challenged and inspired by these messages.
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Daniel and the Lions’ Den
Lead Pastor Brent Clark looks at what we don’t learn from Daniel and also what we learn from the three unique perspectives in the story.
David – A Man After God’s Own Heart
Pastor Brent continues a look at familiar Sunday School stories and looks at David, his ups and downs, and how he was still called a man after God’s own heart.
Mission Trip to Liberia
Pastors Brent Clark and Ryan Lenerz share about their recent trip to Liberia and Brent looks at Acts 10:1–11 to see how the invitation to go and share the gospel continues today.
Jesus Feeds the Multitude
Pastor Amy Becker looks at the story of Jesus feeding the multitude and how he can help us with what seems to be impossible odds in our life.
Stephen and a Church that is Full
Pastor Brent Clark looks at Stephen and how like Stephen we should strive to have a life that is “full of” so that we can be a church that is full of.
Elijah and Victory on the Mountain
Pastor Brent Clark wraps up Vacation Bible School 2017 by looking at Elijah and the Victory on the Mountain and challenges us to answer the question Elijah posed to the crowd that day.
Moses and the Red Sea
Pastor Ryan Lenerz continues a look at familiar stories of the Bible by looking at Moses and the crossing of the Red Sea and how that moment continues to point us today to Jesus.
Pastor Brent Clark kicks off the summer series called Sunday School Stories by looking at the unwilling prophet Jonah and his call to the unlikely converts of Nineveh.
From Wrestling to Rest
In the final message of the Life Upside Down series, Pastor Brent Clark looks at the call for those who follow Jesus to stop being so busy 24-7 and find in life a rhythm of rest.
Commitment Leads to Contentment
Pastor Ryan Lenerz looks at how a life of service and commitment leads to a life of contentment.
From Isolation to Community
Lead Pastor Brent Clark continues to challenge how we live life by encouraging us to move from isolation to community.
From Ordinary to Significant
Team Pastor Amy Becker continues to look at how upside life is in the kingdom and how God takes what we consider to be an ordinary life and makes it into something very world changing and significant.