Messages (Page 29)

Messages (Page 29)

Whether you missed a message this past week, want to relisten to a message God is speaking to you about, or just want to check us out before showing up on a Sunday, we hope you are challenged and inspired by these messages.

Feel free to use the links above to search by Topic, Series, Book of the Bible, or Speaker.

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Church West Des Moines

The Love Boat

Pastor Ryan looks at the most familiar verse of the Bible, John 3:16, to look at how the love of God isn’t meant to be a warm fuzzy feeling but how God’s love can give us security.
Church West Des Moines

The Amazing Race

Pastor Brent looks at how following Jesus is like a race the how even in the difficulty it is important to not give up.
Church West Des Moines

Guiding Light

Pastor Ryan looks at Hebrews 4 and how the Word of God is more than we usually think it is and how it haas the ability to drastically shape our lives.
Church West Des Moines

Grace Under Fire

Pastor Brent looks at Ephesians 2:8-10 and how grace radically changes what we can do to earn our way to and make ourselves right with God. This is the second message in the series “The More You Know.”
Church West Des Moines

Who’s the Boss?

Pastor Brent Clark begins a new series call The More You Know that looks at seven verses everyone should know. This week, he begins with Proverbs 3:5-6 and the importance of trusting God.
Church West Des Moines

It’s Not Easy

Pastor Ryan wraps up The Red Letters series by looking at Luke 9 and how Jesus’ words that call us to follow him challenge our comfort, obligations, and relationship and that the commitment to follow Jesus really is not easy.
Church West Des Moines

Family Tree

Pastor Ryan Lenerz shows how Jesus uses our concept of family to teach us what it means to be brothers and sisters within the church.
Church West Des Moines

The Doctor Is In!

Guest Speaker Andy Hermanson teaches on Matthew 9 where Jesus tells his disciples that healthy people don’t need a doctor but that sick people do. Fortunately Jesus is the doctor who can bring healing to our lives!
Church West Des Moines

The Stone the Builders Rejected

Pastor Ryan explains the parable of the wicked tenants and how the religious leaders stumbled over the Jesus rather than making him the cornerstone of their faith.
Church West Des Moines

God’s Timing

Pastor Ryan Lenerz explains from the parable of the Wheat and the Weeds that the fact that God is waiting to right the wrongs on this earth doesn’t mean he won’t act, but that he is gracious and patient before bringing his final judgment.
Church West Des Moines

The Subversive Kingdom

Guest Speaker Kathy Haug from InterVarsity shares with us how the Kingdom of God is like yeast, that when worked through all the dough, completely transforms it.