Messages (Page 27)

Messages (Page 27)

Whether you missed a message this past week, want to relisten to a message God is speaking to you about, or just want to check us out before showing up on a Sunday, we hope you are challenged and inspired by these messages.

Feel free to use the links above to search by Topic, Series, Book of the Bible, or Speaker.

And if you want to make sure you never miss a future message, subscribe to our podcast.

You Are Chosen

Pastor Brent looks at how our desire for acceptance can be met when we understand that we are chosen by God. The third message in the You Are series.

You Are Restored

Pastor Amy shows how the Big Story of God running through the whole Bible is about God’s plan to restore the brokenness in this world, and more than that, He desires to restore the brokenness in your own life.

You Are Free

Pastor Ryan unpacks what it means for a follower of Jesus to be free: that we are free FROM sin and legalism and free TO love others and do good works.
waukee church, clive church

I Am the True Vine

Pastor Brent wraps up the I Am series by look at Jesus final I Am statement in John 15 and what it means that Jesus is the vine and how we are to remain in him.
waukee church, clive church

I Am the Resurrection and the Life

Pastor Brent Clark looks at the miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead to see how Jesus as the resurrection and the life affirms God’s loves for us and help us get beyond our “if onlys” when we see the resurrection is more than an event, when we see the resurrection is a person, Jesus Christ, as found in John 11:1-44.
waukee church, clive church

I Am the Good Shepherd

Pastor Ryan looks at what it means for Jesus to call himself the Good Shepherd and how we too should be good shepherds of those in our care. Part 4 of 6 of the I Am Jesus series.
waukee church, clive church

I Am the Gate

Pastor Brent continues the I Am Jesus series by looking at how Jesus’ self description as a gate isn’t a reflection of his desire to keep people out, but rather is the revelation of himself as the good shepherd and his desire to make salvation possible as seen in John 10:1-10.
Church West Des Moines

Auld Lang Syne

Pastor Ryan shares the importance of remembering God’s work in our lives in the past year so we are better able to have a successful year next year.
Church West Des Moines

Santa Claus is Coming to Town – Grace

Pastor Brent Clark explains how our understanding of Santa Claus always watching to see if we’ve been bad or good has seeped into our understanding of God.  But the good news for us is that God saves us through the gift of his grace!