Whether you missed a message this past week, want to relisten to a message God is speaking to you about, or just want to check us out before showing up on a Sunday, we hope you are challenged and inspired by these messages.
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Give Thanks
Pastor Ryan encourages us all to become people of gratitude who routinely give thanks in all circumstances.
2020 Vision
Pastor Brent looks at the future of Ashworth Church and presents a challenge to not get stuck in the past but to press forward in becoming the church God desire Ashworth Church to be.
Removing the Barriers
Pastors Brent Clark and Ryan Lenerz conclude the You’ve Been Lied To (and we’re sorry about that) series by looking at how the lies we believe build barriers to our own faith and to others coming to faith. They also show how this has been an issue for the church since the first century.
I Can Do Faith All By Myself
Pastor Amy Becker looks at the problems with a personal relationship with Jesus and shows how our faith is dependent upon taking the journey with others.
Pray this Prayer to be Saved
Pastor Brent looks at the misconceptions surrounding salvation and why a pray this prayer theology has many problems and might produce decisions but not necessarily disciples.
Faith Means No Doubt
Pastor Brent Clark looks at the incorrect belief that to be a person of faith means you will never doubt and shows how Jesus uses our doubts not to rebuke us but as an opportunity to reveal himself to us.
The Bible is God’s Little Instruction Book
Pastor Ryan takes a look at how many are taught as kids that the Bible is an instruction book for life. But more importantly, it is the book that points us to the word of God, Jesus Christ.
God is a White, Male Republican
Pastor Brent Clark addresses the lie that some believe that God is a white, male, Republican, but he also addresses the more dangerous underlying tendency to make God in our own image. Sermon Transcript In June of 1964, a man took the pulpit of a church and prayed this prayer: “Oh God, our Heavenly Guide, as finite creatures of time and as dependent creatures of [Yours], we acknowledge [You] as our sovereign Lord. Permit freedom and the joys thereof to…
God Just Wants You to Be Happy
Pastor Brent Clark explores the half-truth that God does desire his children to be happy, because God also desires for them so much more.
Christians Are Soldiers for God
In the second message of the “You’ve Been Lied To (and we’re sorry about that)” series, Pastor Ryan Lenerz looks at the idea that Christ-followers should be militaristic in our approach to spreading Christian values and how the way fo Jesus shows us another way.
God Won’t Give You More than You Can Handle
In the series, “You’ve Been Lied To (and we’re sorry about that), Pastor Brent looks at the familiar saying God won’t give you more than you can handle to see if it has its biblical roots and how too often this statement does more harm than good.
Seduced by Stuff
Pastor Brent Clark examines the seduction of stuff in our culture and looks at how the Apostle Paul encourages us to resist the allure of wealth and follow the way of Jesus through selfless generosity.