Whether you missed a message this past week, want to relisten to a message God is speaking to you about, or just want to check us out before showing up on a Sunday, we hope you are challenged and inspired by these messages.
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Restoring Healthy Spiritual Rhythms
Pastor Brent looks at how not all changes made during the pandemic have been bad and give us a new opportunity to establish healthy spiritual rhythms in our lives. Discussion Questions What are the spiritual disciplines you need to cultivate to keep connected to God? What are the practices of self-care you need to attend to your body and nurture your soul? What are the gifts, passions, and burdens within you that God wants you to express for the blessing…
Restoring the Foundation
Pastors Brent and Ryan take a look back at 2020 and encourage the church to begin looking forward to 2021 and how they can restore their foundations.
Best. Christmas. Ever. The Presents
Pastor Brent looks at the greatest gift we’ve been given but also how God has given his children much, much more.
The Christmas Family
Pastor Ryan traces the role of the family from Genesis to Revelation and how the family of God is so critical in making this the Best. Christmas. Ever.
The Christmas Light
Pastor Brent traces the importance of light from the beginning to the end of the biblical narrative and how Christmas is a reminder of the light of Jesus that has dawned to overcome the darkness.
The Christmas Tree
Pastors Brent and Ryan look at the Christmas Tree and how the tree of life points us to the Best. Christmas. Ever.
Be Positive
Pastor Ryan looks at how easy it is to be negative with all that is happening in the world, but through gratitude and encouragement, we can be positive. Positive People Here’s something many of you didn’t know about me, up until the early part of this week, I was Covid Positive. For those of you attending this service online, you’re probably glad you are! Don’t worry, I made it through – and I’m back to 100%. But today we’re taking…
Fall Clean-Up
Pastor Brent looks at Psalm 32 and how this is a good time to do a little soul searching and some fall clean-up in our lives.
Unpause Abiding in Jesus
Pastor Amy wraps up the Unpause series by looking at the importance of abiding in Jesus so that we might show the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. Discussion Questions How connected have you been to the vine in 2020? What’s keeping you from remaining? Where have you been fruitful in 2020? Continue the practice of Lectio Divina with Matthew 6:33. Read through the passage four times. Read and listen. Read and reflect. Read and respond. Read and rest.
Unpause Celebration
Pastors Brent and Ryan talk about the importance of celebration and how even in difficult circumstances we can find reasons to celebrate. Discussion Questions How might the world’s opinion of Christians be different if Christians were better known for genuine celebration? If you haven’t already, take a moment to really reflect on what God has done in your life in 2020 and give him thanks for it all. What can you do in your daily / weekly habits to be…
Knowing God Through Obedience
Pastor Brent looks at 1 John to see the important role obedience plays in our ability to truly know and experience God. Discussion Questions Are you more compliant or strong-willed? How easy is it for you to obey when someone asks (or requires) something of you? Why do you think this is? How have you tried to substitute other things, like religious activity or legalism for obedience to God? Is God calling you to obedience in some area of your…
The Unseen War
Pastor Ryan looks at the unseen war that rages around us and how followers of Jesus need to make sure they are fighting the right battle. Hint: It’s NOT the “other “political party, coworkers, or neighbors. Never Have I Ever – Halloween Edition Judging by the weather outside, it sure feels like fall has finally arrived. And with it, Halloween is now right around the corner. Unfortunately, we all know halloween may be a bit different this year. What I’m…